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The Place of the Promise

The place I have promised you.

The land of the promise.

The place long kept.

The set apart place.

The place no-one has stepped on before.

An old place.

A place of great history, of rich history, the place everyone wanted but was never for sale.

I am now preparing it for use.

Preparing it for occupation.

Preparing it for your occupation.

For what I have set apart for you cannot be occupied by another.

It is virgin land.

For many would consider it barren land.

For others would consider it a desolate place.

A place without use.

A place fit for no purpose.

An unused place, a derelict place, a shut off place, an uninhabited place, a place not fit to be occupied, a place without visitor, a place not suitable.

Yet what is the difference in appearance between the virgin woman and the barren one?

For one is usually younger than the other, one expresses innocence, joy, laughter, the absence of pain, the presence of confidence, the look of longing for the one she loves to arrive.

The eager anticipation, the joy of the encounter, the expression of desire, the outpouring of love, the delight of your presence, the reflection of your smile.

For I am present in your passion, I am with you in the place of desire, the place of encounter.

For you were destined to be together.

You were destined to conceive together.

The two becoming one.

The one becoming many.

For you see it in your offspring, two so unlike the other, so different from each other, yet each expressing the source from which they came.

For in one there is substance from one, the nature of one, transformed by the nature of the other, the presence of the other.

Yet your path was not the natural path, not the normal way, not by the usual means.

For your path was from the virgin to the barren to the multiplies.

From the place of lack to the place of overflow.

From the place of loss to the place of abundance.

For your seed is not a normal seed.

Your passion is not normal.

Your desire is beyond the ordinary.

You love to have and hold.

Yet the path of produce is via the valley of barrenness.

For I know what it is like to be a root out of dry ground.

Did I not come from the barren place, the desolate place, the least likely place, the place without regard, the place of Nazareth?

I know what it is like to come from the place of denigration to the place of elevation.

From the carpenter to the Rabbi.

For my path was not the expected path.

For I kept myself hidden, until the appointed time.

From the private place, to the public place, from the hidden place, to the place in the spotlight.

From the place of potential, to the place of power.

Conceived without seed, for I was my own source.

For I have given your glimpses of what is to come.

Places to occupy that give you some insight into my plans.

For are you not in the place, that you yourself overlooked?

For it looked like it was nothing special from the outside, and the inside looked tired and in need of a makeover.

But when the time was right, I opened your eyes to see the potential.

I swept out the dust, I cleaned it twice, I supplied a fresh coat of paint, and then the one who is my delight, made it so delightful.

So it shall be with the land I am giving you.

The barren place, the desolate place, shall become the happening place, the place of refreshing, the place where dreams will come to life, the place where tests shall become testimonies, the least fruitful place becoming the most fruitful.

For you have eaten the produce long kept, now you shall become the supplier of produce long sought for.

For this land has great potential, and shall lack for nothing good.

For the barren woman shall bear more children than that of the married wife.

For yours is not the natural way, not the production of the one, but the father of multiples.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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