The Passing
As the past walks out on you.
As the past departs from you.
As the past passes you by.
As the past leaves you.
As you notice the absence of what was.
As that which was walks out the door.
As losses leave you behind.
As that which bound you up is torn from you.
As you are free from the bonds of that which was.
As you leave behind that which was.
As you welcome that which is to come.
As you take a breath it hurts.
As you leave and now cleave.
As you advance towards.
As you take a step towards.
In the absence of, in the presence of.
In the leaving behind, and the cleaving to that which lies ahead.
As you embraced your loved ones for the last time, I was there.
As you looked off into the distance across the plot in which they were buried, I was unlocking that which was to come.
For I broke open a way for you.
I commanded the ground to release its fruit.
My words tore open that which was locked up.
For I disturbed greatly that which disturbed you.
That is why your body shakes.
It is not trembling in recognition of what lies ahead, it is simply resonating with my word.
You can feel me rising from deep within, bursting forth to impact that which is without.
For this shall be the last of your losses.
For I am giving you more than you expect.
New for old replacement.
Staying power in the place of leaving.
The power to hold on to hope, when it looks like you have lost everything.
For I have simply made room for what is to come.
For you could have stayed with your folks for all their life, yet I led you out to embrace that which was beyond.
It was beyond your comprehension.
You thought this was a wonderful thing, a beautiful treasure to have and to hold, yet she represents so much more.
She drew you out.
She called your name.
She invited you over.
She calls you now to come up higher.
For she habits the high places of the earth.
Her destiny is to occupy the high place.
To see her is to look up, to aspire, to desire, to receive the upgrade, to step up, to be uplifted, to come up higher, to be elevated.
For she is the point of transition, the point of crossing over, the catalyst for transformation.
For to go with her is no ordinary thing, to walk with her is to walk the path of greatness.
Yet it is by your hand that she comes, she steps forward, to ascertain, to proclaim, to reclaim, to announce my kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven.
For I am staging a coming out party, and the two of you are the guests of honour.
For when all is lost, only that which is most valuable remains.
For the last shall be first.
For as you have put me first and yourselves last, I am pushing you forward.
Through you I will establish my purpose.
For the passing of the old, brings for the new, births the new.
For in the passing on.
For in the time of the passing.
For at the point of transition.
The blessings of the one passes to the other.
For I have chosen to bless you with the blessings of those who passed on before you.
From the one to the one.
From the many to the many.
From the old to the new.
From your ascendants to your descendants it shall flow.
For the time of the passing has come.