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The Other Side

Let’s go to the other side.

On side.

To the other side.

To the side of the other.

From on side to off side.

To another side.

Take their side.

Move to their side.

Come over to their place.

Take their side.

An expansion of your territory.

Step over the the line.

Cross the line.

Break the established pattern.

Draw a new line.

Change the boundary.

Enlarge their thinking.

For I have given you the power to enlarge, the power to magnify, the power to amplify, the power to build capacity, the builder of strength, the builder of confidence, the opposite of shrinking back.

For what is it to shrink back?

For to step back is to diminish yourself, is to make yourself smaller, is to become like the grasshopper in the land of the giants.

To step forward is to enlarge yourself, your perspective, to take hold of the promise, to magnify the vision, to bring about that which was foretold.

And he ran towards, and he ran towards that which caused his people to shrink back, to diminish themselves, to hide themselves.

For the words of your enemy only serve as a means to diminish.

For he stepped towards that which stood tall against him, completely ignoring the words spoken by his enemy.

He uttered the words I had put upon his lips, words of victory, words of deliverance, words of power, words of overthrow, words that described his defeat.

For in defeating the giant, he became a giant.

For it was inevitable!

First the anointing, then the appointing.

For at the time of your anointing, I have appointed. I have placed you upon the throne.

For it is your position that overcomes your opponent.

For all shall bow to my king!

For he ran towards, with full confidence in my authority, my sovereignty.

Propelled by purpose, on purpose, for purpose.

For who can oppose my purpose?

Yet your senses compel you to step back, yet my spirit leads you forward.

For the tension tears at the fabric of your soul.

What is it you see now?

My body pulling back, shrinking back, yet my spirit pushing forward, rising upwards. In the end only the shell of my former self remains behind, a new creature of holy fire rising like an eagle from the shell.

Is this not the work of my hands?

For I sense the coldness of this season, I feel the numbness rising within and without, the increasing distance from who I am, and who I want to be.

What have I shown you?

The new me, awakes to see and to touch the old me, lying dead next to me.

And how will you respond to this moment?

Abandon that which was, and embrace that which is to come.

And how does that feel?

Like a fire rising within and without, overwhelming my senses, burning off all that was, and leaving only that which is and is to come.

For what purpose shall the butterfly return to it’s cocoon?

For that which was has surely served it’s purpose?

That which brought the transformation, that which incubated the new being, that which housed the new creation, now serves no purpose.

To return to it, would be to contain, to limit, to shelter, to bring temporary comfort, but at what price?


For your enemy wants you to return, to go back to the trauma, to relive the trauma, to revisit the test, to sit the exam again, to convince you that even that is pointless for you would only fail again.

But this is all a lie!

For how is it the one who has overcome so much, is now overcome?

By putting on the cloak of mourning, of wrestling, of defeat, of trauma, and the glasses that distort the truth, all to render the testimony of the past as just a test that we failed.

Did I not say this is not a fair fight!

For I shall contend with all that contends against you.

For your greatest victories are yet to come.

In a moment, in an instant you will find yourself.

You will find yourself again.

You will feel so different.

Even now you feel so different.

How can it be that your back is so relaxed?

I was not expecting that! A week later I am still expecting the pain to return! I am still holding my breath in anticipation of a return!

Did I not say to “feel free”!

The only feeling I want you to feel is the feeling of freedom!

For you shall not be contained.

What do you see now?

The opening of the dented, battle scarred barricade. That which sheltered us from all the attacks of the enemy. As it opens I am expecting a flood of the enemy to invade and destroy all that we hoped to preserve. And yet I find no trace of that which once came against me. I search for days and days and wonder whether all the attacks were just a nightmare. I sit there out in the open with my arms folded, feeling so vulnerable, as I now have no shelter.

For the captive will now be the one who captures!

For the captive will now be the one who captures!

For what does freedom look like to the one who was captive?

I feel so vulnerable, so exposed, for the open space is so unfamiliar.

Yet I have seen you exploring the breadth and the depth of this new territory.

For from the seed that contains, shall come the flower that exposes, that reveals.

For your enemy wants you to know how unsafe it is to be out in the open.

Yet my freedom is not safe for him.

Open your eyes, embrace this new season, feel the warmth of my face shining upon you.

Say unto yourself “It is ok to be out!”

Say unto yourself “This is what freedom feels like!”

Say unto yourself “I have been chosen to demonstrate freedom, to showcase freedom, to bring freedom to those held captive.”

For you shall go looking for your enemy and not find him.

For he is running scared.

Inhabit this freedom, take hold of my confidence, let my spirit rise within you.

Release my fire, break free from all that contains, fall those wings and fly, enjoy this season, soar above all that comes against you.

For you shall inhabit this land.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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