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The Net of It

For I will stand with you.

Lean into me. Rely on me.

For I am here for you.

My love wraps itself around you.

I’m holding you tight.

I’m standing with you.

I’m standing for you.

As the sun sets.

As the light of this season passes.

As your dream car drives off into the sunset.

As your dream fades in to the distance.

My arms are wrapped around you.

My love covers you like a warm blanket.

Just give me a hug and see that which is dried up burst forth with my flow.

I’m with you as this season departs from you.

In a moment that which endured, that which enabled you to endure is gone.

Yet the cocoon was never designed to serve as permanent home.

It is merely a vehicle of habitation, of incubation, of transportation, of elevation.

For you go into it crawling and come out of it flying.

You go into it upon the ground of the word, upon that which is solid. Yet you come out of it lifted by that which is intangible, invisible, without appearance, without substance yet not without power. For the way you came into this shall not be the way you will come out of it. For the way is so different, and the means towards your destination is o different.

For one needs a path or a way without obstacle, the other makes its own way and simply rises above it.

One looks for that which is fit for consumption, the other looks for that which is a suitable place to land and brings forth that which is necessary for reproduction.

For the one that was transformed is now is my instrument of transformation.

And there you sit with the empty net...

Pondering the net. The purpose of the net. The pointlessness of the net if there are no fish.

And then you hear my voice saying unto to.....

Launch out into the deep! And place your net on the right side of the boat.

And I hear the cry of your heart in response...

Only the more!
Upon the ground of your word!
I will lay down the net!

For in the laying down of the net you will find fullness.

For in the streams of my goodness you will find fullness in the net.

For you shall see my glory in the flow, the light of my glory in the flow. For I am with you in the flow.

For I am turning the tide. For I have schooled the fish and taught them they way should go!

For when you pick up the net you will find fullness. For when you lift up the net all that drains you will be drained from you.

For when the streams flow you will find the treasure that remains.

The removal of the veil. The removal of the covering. The removal of the net.

The offloading.

The offloading of the goods.

The unpacking of the boxes.

The filleted fishes. The prepared fishes.

The unveiling of the fish market.

The pulling back of the covers.

For I am restoring you.

I’m unpacking all that I have stored up for you.

For when you take away the losses from the gains you will find the net of it.

You will find the net again.

You will lay down the net again.

You will pick up the net again.

You will uncover the treasure that rests beneath it.

For up from the depths it comes and shall be released unto you.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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