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The Mix Up!

This was unexpected. This must be a mix up. There must be a mix up. I don’t deserve this. What you wish to give me must be intended for some-one else!

I’m mixing it up.

This is a new mix.

A new experience.

New ingredients, new combinations, new resources, new opportunities.

A splash of this, with a splash of that, a dash of this and a dash of that, that is how I roll. My recipe for success.

For you shall know and understand the ingredients, the fluids, the flow, but expect me to mix it up.

Familiar words, familiar lyrics, but a new mix.

For my flow is transformative.

The brick thrown at it becomes the gold bar.

The hard stuff, impacted by the flow becomes precious.

Multicoloured, impacted by the promise.

The colour represents my promise, the aligned potential, the evidence of its fulfilment.

You mix up the old in order to craft the new, yet I mix up the new to transform the old.

Plan for the new, expect the new, anticipate the new.

Abundance of resource.

Abundance of harvest.

Untold abundance. Abundance that was foretold by me, but untold by you, unheard of blessing.

Don’t you see?

Do you not know what I am about?

Did I not say that I would make a spectacle of you? Did this not happen in that very moment? Do you think that was a once off?

Did we not start this way?

You made your approach, and before you could reach your goal, there you found yourself, yes you “found” yourself, flat on your back.

I have been trying to get you to lie down since then, yet you resist me.

Seriously, just lie down, just relax, for I have got this!

You remember it now don’t you. You could not be embarrassed, for you had this smile on your face and what I had done.

You feel it now don’t you. Empowered, energised, powerful, and yet so relaxed you could not move. Paralysed for this was a symbol of the paralysis I had placed on the enemy from that time forward.

Your kids asked so innocently, “Dad, why can’t you get up?” Yet all you could do was laugh. And yet they persisted, more and more impatiently as they wanted to leave the church. So you said to them, “why don’t you lift up my arm, and see for yourself what the Lord has done?”. So they did and when they let go they marvelled at how floppy your arm was. For that new how hard it was for you to relax, let alone pretend to be relaxed.

Others bumped into you, stepped over you, and were oblivious to what I was doing. For them the service was over and they had things to do, yet for you I was just getting started.

In the past 10 years have you seen this happen again, in such an unexpected way?

No Lord. Yet I remember being called out by a pastor that is famous for saying “The fire of God”, then touching them and they fall down. As much as I tried to avoid it, for I am uncomfortable with the whole spectacle of it, and the application of your Spirit as some formula to cure all ills, you called me out. As he persisted and fervently called me out, and pointed to me, I looked around to others hoping it wasn’t me, yet he said “yes you, come up here”. As I walked up to the stage you said to me very clearly “I am going to make a spectacle of you”. So with your consent I came, and sure enough found myself again flat on my back lying down, this time on the stage for all to see, and again could not move until the service was over.

Get prepared, get ready for the spectacle, for I am making a spectacle of you.

And what is your posture in all of this? Not the fetal position, but the relaxed position, the comfortable position as one lying down in green pastures.

You stress out over what you are going to, and yet what could you do, when I made you to lie down? You could only speak to your circumstance, for you could not even lift a finger. You could only comfort those around you. You could only enjoy the moment, you could only feel my power flowing through your veins.

For I will glory in those I choose to glory in, and I will be magnified in you, I will be amplified in you, I will be strong for you, I will strengthen you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

You see it now don’t you, the most profound moment, the makeover sermon, the two becoming one, the wheat and the tares, and the fire of God all around, you could smell the smoke, you could see my power at work, for this is the time of the harvest. Yet what stood above it all, your hands raised in power, in victory, in celebration, her hand in yours raised like a boxer who had just defeated the champion.

Was that not a spectacle, was that not spectacular, was that not unforgettable, was that not my promise.

Have I not kept my word?

I seek not to embarrass you, yet I will be glorified in you.

It is time for the spectacular, what was accomplished in private, to be celebrated in public.

For the one who has killed the lion and the bear in private shall now be exposed, shall now come to the fore.

For I am placing you in the foreground, in the centre of my frame, as my champion.

You want to run away and hide and yet you know this is your time, this is your place, this is your inheritance, this is your domain, this is your kingdom.

For I have anointed you, I have appointed you for the spectacle, they shall speak of you like David, the giant slayer, the kingdom of the enemy destroyer, the slayer of the dragon, the mighty one, possessed by the almighty.

Abandon all restraint, let my power flow through you, release the flow.

For you try and put a lid on the overflowing cup, and put yourself under so much pressure to stop the flow, and yet what is it you achieve?

The lid sealed tightly shut and with great tension, I declare it “water tight” and then it happens. There is a great leak down the side of the cup. I lift my hand in frustration only to see that the source of the flow is not the cup, it is my hand!

You cannot hide from me, you cannot back out, for the great victory has been won, the enemy is on the run saying “fall back, fall back, we are overcome”.

The Word has gone out, the enemy shakes in fear, the very ground quakes in your presence.

You sit there in wonder, in the place of wonder, the crowd in silence, their mouths wide open in shock and awe. They pause and wonder. Those expecting your demise, looking for your blood, speak to each other and wonder what happened when they were not watching. Then they look over and see the giant face down before you. They shout to him to get up, for they were expecting a decent fight. Yet you knew he would bow before me, you know he is already dead. Amidst the confusion the enemy shouts at him to rise, yet in an instant he has lost his head, his voice, his power, his strength.

You feel it in your bones, you feel me in your bones, like a fire that won’t burn out.

You were waiting for others to say “charge”, and yet your find these words upon your own lips.

Before you know it, those around you rise up and follow you after those who had defied you.

Overtake and recover all.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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