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The Mist

You feel it before you see it.

The moisture forms upon your skin.

It soothes the soul, it calms the nerves, it brings forth peace.

For you reach for the mist, but it finds you. Whether stretched or relaxed it falls upon you.

It comes in the gentle breeze, in the cool of the evening, the best time to go for a walk in the garden.

Is this not the dew that is due.

It falls from above, it rests upon that which is below.

It falls from the high place to refresh the low place.

It comes when the temperature is elevated. It makes the agitated temporate.

It comes in the place of gentleness, it rests upon the lowly, it brings refreshment and restoration.

You reach for it, you stretch for it, but it is not a stretch, it reaches out to you.

You need not strive to obtain it, for it falls upon the fallen.

Hosea 14:4-9 I will heal their faithlessness; I will love them freely, for My anger is turned away from Israel. I will be like the dew and the night mist to Israel; he shall grow and blossom like the lily and cast forth his roots like the sturdy evergreens of Lebanon. His suckers and shoots shall spread, and his beauty shall be like the olive tree and his fragrance like the cedars and aromatic shrubs of Lebanon. They that dwell under his shade shall return; they shall revive like the grain and blossom like the vine; the scent of it shall be like the wine of Lebanon. Ephraim shall say, What have I to do any more with idols? I have answered him and will regard and watch over him; I am like a green fir or cypress tree; with Me is the fruit found which is to nourish you. Who is wise, that he may understand these things? Prudent, that he may know them? For the ways of the Lord are right and the uncompromisingly just shall walk in them, but transgressors shall stumble and fall in them.

Yes that is it, you feel it now.

It causes you to take a breath, to breathe again. It captures you in its grasp, it captivates you by its touch. Yet you are not bound, you can walk wherever you wish and not escape its grasp.

Deuteronomy 32:1-4 GIVE EAR, O heavens, and I will speak; and let the earth hear the words of my mouth. My message shall drop as the rain, my speech shall distil as the dew, as the light rain upon the tender grass, and as the showers upon the herb. For I will proclaim the name and presence of the Lord. Concede and ascribe greatness to our God. He is the Rock, His work is perfect, for all His ways are law and justice. A God of faithfulness without breach or deviation, just and right is He.

I see that you want to construct a fortress around yourself, you want to place yourself in isolation, to put yourself in solitary, to confine yourself to the small.

Yet you need no fortress, for today this day I have made you a mighty fortress, I have equipped you for this battle, for this task, for this moment, for this time, for this cause, for this destiny, for this destination, for this outcome, for great abundance, for abundance multiplied, for the riches of the sea shall be given to you.

For in the midst of the torrent, there is a gentle breeze, a mist in the midst, the dew that is due.

Psalms 138:7-8 Though I walk in the midst of trouble, You will revive me; You will stretch forth Your hand against the wrath of my enemies, and Your right hand will save me. The Lord will perfect that which concerns me; Your mercy and loving-kindness, O Lord, endure forever—forsake not the works of Your own hands.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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