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The Joy Ride

What are you sensing?

Fear, trepidation, anxiety, tension, a bracing for impact.

Surely this is non-sense!

In what way is this sensible?

Since when is being sensible my criteria?

I prefer the ridiculous, the fanciful, the extravagant, the extraordinary.

Why be sensible, who told you to be sensible?

What is so exciting about being sensible? Is it not soooo boring. Where is the excitement? It’s like you have exiled joy, banished joy, rationalised that which cannot be rationed.

For I am without ration, I am your portion, yet I am without ration, without limit.

You exclaim it passionately from the rooftops, and yet you put on the robe of sensibility.

You sit in my vehicle of joy, with your famous “who me” look. You limit your usage, you define and confine your purpose, you restrict you movement.

Is this not the opposite of what I intended!

For you are bound to be free, born to be loosed, you, through you, by you, as you, you are my chosen instrument. Just be free, for you are my instrument of freedom.

Just be reckless, and you shall be wreck less.

For you try to be free, just BE free.

You cannot manufacture freedom, it must be worn, it must be experienced, it must be embraced.

For this is a turning point, this is a point of turning, this is my place of turning around. This is the place of reversal. Move forward, accelerate forward, and watch me reverse.

I am not backing away from the promise, I am delivering the promise.

The reversal of fortune, the reversal of lack, the exchange of fullness for lack, the deposit not the withdrawal.

For I have broken the chains that broke you, I have broken brokenness, I have broken that which was broken.

Understand and ponder, reason is broken, what is reasonable is no more, for I am beyond your reasoning.

How can you define joy, how can you describe it for me.

You sit there wrestling with it, fighting with it, sublimating it, sitting on it, smothering it, pushing it down, for you fear what will happen if you let it go.

Yet I have unchained joy, I have released joy. The chains lie at your feet and yet you stand there stunned not knowing what to do.

For you want to be responsible, you want to be rational, you want to keep in step with the protocol.

Yet I have struck you on your side. Yes you know what I mean.

That side that has caused you so much pain, the wrong side, the left side, the side that you wish was like the right side.

From so much pain, that you could not stand up, you could not stand it, it was beyond what you could cope with it, and yet you had resigned yourself to endure it.

Yet in an unexpected moment, an emotional moment, a moment of love, a lingering embrace, a subtle intimate touch from the one you called beloved, my beloved, the one I have chosen to restore, my instrument of restoration, my handiwork, her hand possessed by mine. You could see it, you could feel it, like it was my hand, and yet it was hers. For by my hand, your territory shall be enlarged, for my hand, her hand is upon you.

Yet you expected the pain to return, yet it is gone. You wonder where it went, and yet it is no more. For I have banished it, I have exiled it, I have expressed my desire. I want you to feel it’s absence.

You look for it and yet you cannot find it.

For pain has gone, joy has come.

For this is personal…..

How can you explain that which is so personal. Even the one you love the most cannot relate, cannot understand, and yet takes the ride with you. You see and look for her joy, and yet first you must find it within yourself.

What you expected to find has gone, loss has been lost, pain is absent when the roll is called, you feel the loss every time you move, the loss of pain.

You hope to explain it, and yet first you must experience it.

You strive to work it out. You say “once I get to understand it, once it makes sense to me, then I will accept it”. You wrestle with what the future holds, you are feeling the insecurity, for I have blown the limit. I have spent up big. I have spent that which you do not have. I know I have been reckless in my love, in my joy I got carried away. And yet do I look concerned? Am I worrying about what is to come?

Do you think my ability to love is restrained, is limited, is concerned about my capacity to deliver? My generosity is without bounds.

You pause and wonder and hesitate to receive.

I get that you are overcome, but this was not a moment of spontaneous, unplanned reckless, extravagance, this was a deliberate plan, I set out to do this on purpose.

This was no fluke, this did not happen my chance.

I know you expected the new season to be about the business, to expand, to grow. And yet did I not say that YOU shall be confident, exuberant and expansive.

This is not a negotiation, this is not up for discussion, this is not your choice, for I have made it for you, this is my prescription.

Take one dose of joy morning and evening.

Add a splash of freedom.

Put on the new clothes of joy.

Express extravagance.

Invite extravagance.

Be reckless in your love, invite many to come for a “joy” ride.

For I am bursting forth with joy, I am overflowing with joy, I cannot contain myself.

Take off loss, abandon all sense, abandon all sense of lack, plan for abundance, get ready for more, more and more, more and more, more of more, more multiplied, explosions of more, wild reckless unconfined moments of joy, spontaneous joy, outbursts of joy, drunken orgies of more, yes you heard me, I want you to break free and get up and dance, I want you to be the living evidence of joy, my representative of joy.

Just go and experience joy, embody joy, put on joy, take a ride in my vehicle of joy.

Revival is the word, revival shall be your experience. I am reviving that which was dead, that which you had buried, the longing deferred that made your heart sick.

Revival is here.

I am pouring out on your cracked, dry lips, I am bring you back to fullness. I am replacing loss with abundance.

I have killed and buried scarcity. Don’t hold a funeral for her, just move on, for I am done with her. You made your choice, you chose abundance over scarcity. For there will be no restoration of lack, only multiplied abundance, exponential abundance, explosive growth. I will not restore lack. I am making a substitution. Do not resign yourself, just re-sign yourself. For this is a new covenant, “l will give you everything”. Consider what just happened as my deposit.

For this is personal. I am not just restoring that which was material, I am restoring and reviving you.

Just say ahhhhh!



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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