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The Icing

You can feel in the flow.

You can feel the grind amidst the flow.

You go to stick a fork in it, expecting one thing then receive another.

For there is substance in my flow.

This land shall flow.

But so unexpected.

Not as it was before.

More solid than fluid.

Having this quality.

Possessing a stickiness.

Possessing something that was missing before.

An new additive.

A new substance in the flow.

For you shall spread out to the right and the left.

No longer soft peaks, but hard peaks, elevation with substance.

A peak that shall not fall away.

An elevated point, an elevated position.

Spreading from one side to another.

The expansion, the pushing back, the pushing forward, the pushing aside, the pushing towards.

Push it to the edge.

No seriously push it right to the very edge.

Push it over the edge.

For I have all sides covered.

Spread it on thick.

Lathering it all around.

For you think this is back to the beginning, yet this is merely icing on my cake.

Anything that is too hard, just place it on the top for decoration. For it shall only serve to decorate. It is not designed for consumption just to add a special effect.

For any effect for you shall be special.

For what effected you before shall no have no consequence.

For that which is hard shall just be set aside once the time has come to cut the cake.

For whilst everyone one loves the light of the candle, no one goes to eat them.

Express my light.

Be the full expression of my light.

When you are all set.

For you shall be all set.

When they come to set upon you just place them upon the high place.

Let me make a spectacle of them.

For everything shall serve my purpose.

For everything serves my plan.

For I have always acted on purpose.

Repeat after me “It was my intent”.

Repeat after me “It was deliberate!”

For know what I mean. For your enemy was so upset with you taking over that which was assigned to him.

You could only smile, for you had no intention of arguing with him.

For you could not reject my assignment.

You had to support my intent. Was it not a deliberate act?

Yes Lord. For I could make no other choice. For this is your plan, this is your cake, and you determine the ingredients.

Yet this shall be unlike any other.

For what was is no more, for I am whipping up something new. Never seen before, never done before, but wait until you taste it.

Abandon all, hope.

Abandon all but hope.

Leave behind all preconceived notions.

For I have conceived something new.

A new mix, a renewed mix.

Containing the fragments.

Yes I love the broken pieces, for they provide the texture and the fullness of flavour.

Why so surprised, are you not the one who loves Hokey Pokey?!

The broken mixed with the smooth, the flow of substance.

Is this not your perfect cake? Chocolate on the base, the ice cream spread richly all over the cake, right to the edge, adorned with honeycomb!

Now is the time to bring it together. Now is the time of the setting. Now is the time of the decorating.

For I have prepared the ingredients, I am stirring it together, just the right amount of each ingredient, a unique recipe.

It is so going to be amazing, beyond belief, beyond your best expression of my delight.

So much more than you could expect.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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