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The Fiery Place

The Fiery Place

Hand in hand with the fiery hand. Walking with the God of fire!

Fire across the land. The path of fire. The land of fire. The trees of fire. Burning but not consumed. Golden flame, flowing across the land all around.

Pivoting on the pivot point.

Like a match. Touch the surface. Strike it like a match. Be my accelerant. See the spark. Ignite. Set a fire. Light the match. Be the match. Be aligned. Fit together. A match. A match made in heaven.

Touch it. Reach down and touch it. Feel the heat. See the spark. Release the spark. For the ground shall release, shall unwrap, shall let go of the spark. Release the fire. A slow explosion. A slow eruption. The release of that which explodes. The shall be fire that works. The fireworks.

The burning bush. The bushes that burn but are not consumed. Refinements. Refining fire. Fire that moves quickly. Lights the way. Is there in an instant. Instant sparks. A strong connection. There is a spark that you cannot explain.

A connection in the way of the fire. Shaking hands in the river of fire. In the midst a strong connection. A melting moment. Connection with heat. Combines the two into one. Like solder connecting the power cord to the appliance, completing the circuit. Filling the gap. When it cools, it shall be set. Rock solid. Unable to be separated again. Permanent! A permanent fixture. The one who bends and the one who remains fixed.

Stay together, come together in the place of intense heat. The place of the heat. Where it is hottest. Turn it up. Raise the temperature. Make it hot. More than is bearable. A place you cannot bear. The place you cannot bear. The place you cannot stand. The place you want to withdraw from. The place you wish abandon. The place where it is too intense. Too solid too concentrated. Come together. Melted together a permanent fixture. Wed together. The two shall become one. Intensely together. Concentrated. Concentrate. Be concentrated.

Receive my fire. Be united not untied. I am the cord of fire that binds you together. Turn up the heat. Turn up the heat on the enemy. Stay wrapped up in me. Bound in me. Bound together by me. Hold fast to that which is good. My goodness!



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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