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The End

And I speak these words over you…


For it is the end of doubt.

It is the end of lack.

It is the end of an era, not the end of an error.

The end of the beginning, not the beginning of the end.

The end of the first book, not the end of books.

A book end of what was, and a book end of what is to come.

A line drawn in the sand.

A line drawn in the time line.

The end of the start.

The end of the setup phase.

The beginning of the harvest.

For the digging is over.

The toiling over the soil is done!

The breaking up of the dry ground is over.

The end of dryness is here.

And what do you see!


An almighty fountain gushing over the barren land. Rising higher and higher. Bursting forth, saturating all that is near and far. A sight to be seen. A scene to behold.

Yes I am making a scene.

A shocking scene.

An abrupt end to the old way of thinking.

Like the power went out unexpectedly.

A disruptive moment.

A moment to reset, and to resettle.

A moment to reset and to resettle.

A momentous moment of great momentum.

A moment that brought so many to an end.

The end of what was, and the beginning of what is to come.

A breaking of that which was broken.

A breaking of that which was broken.

A reformation of that which was formed.

A coming together of that which was set apart.

A coming together of that which was set apart.


Did you get my point!

For you are the point!

For you shall bring together that which was set apart.

For it is time to come out from the cave.

For it is time to come out from the cave.

For I will be the shelter for your steps.

A shield blocking the way of all that would come against you.

A shelter for your being.

A shelter for you to just be.

For the time has come.

For the time has come.


For I have determined to heal this land.

For I brought forth my instrument of healing.

I have broken the chains that held you back.

I have broken the chains that held you back.


Do you feel me!

Yes Lord I get your point! My body trembles in your presence! I feel your intent. I receive your authority. I stand upon your word!

For I have drawn a line on your past.

And I have placed you on the other side of the line.

Say unto yourself “you have crossed the line!”

For that which you have experienced before shall no longer be your experience.

For you know not how to describe your past experience, yet you feel all that you experienced.

You look at all the scars and wonder how it was you survived.

I look at all the scars as trophies of great victories of how you overcame.

You feel all that you have lost, yet I see all that you have gained.

For it is the nature of your experience to give so much, and to receive nothing in return.

You last award was so long ago, it seems like another life for you.

Yet you thrive on achievement.

You enemy says to you “what have you achieved?” And you look at what you have left and see it all falling through your hands.

Yet I say unto you “Well done! Great Job! I’m so proud of you! The Best Father!”

Yet I see the tears flow from your eyes.

For you have come so far, and yet do not see from whence you have come.

Say unto yourself “Haven’t you grown!”

For what is it you see now?

Your view of me as a giant in the land!”

For I have kept you hidden, but now you shall be in the spotlight!

For who can hide a giant!

It is time.

It is time.

It is time for you to step into all that I have prepared for you.

For the giant has no fear of that small creature that steps in his path.

When you hold out your hands you see nothing left.

When you hold out your hands what is it I see?

An abundance of seed pouring from my hands. An overflow of water flowing from my hands. An abundance of oil flowing from my hands. A fire bursting forth from my hands.

You wonder how long it will be before you have nothing left.

I wonder how long it will be before you go with my flow?

Release my flow.

Overflow with my flow.

Spray my goodness over the land.

For I have closed the door on the old season, and opened a broad path for your feet in the new.

Psalms 18:36
You have given plenty of room for my steps under me, that my feet would not slip.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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