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The Edge of Glory

“I will stand my ground until hope can be found”

“You will take all that is wrong and make it right”

“Your strength is found at the end of my rope”

“I will stand my ground where hope can be found”

“Your love is lifting me above all the lies”

What is it you see?

The shavings, the off cuts of metal as it is ground.

What is it you feel?

I feel like I am in the grinder!

Look again. What is it you see?

Shavings of chocolate, off cuts of chocolate, ready to be sprinkled.

What is the point of the grind?

Is it not to refine?

Is it not to define?

Is it not that which is crafted by the edge?

Is it not in order to sharpen the edge?

For you shall find the edge, you shall make the edge, you shall find your edge, you shall be the edge.

Why do you feel so much on edge?

For you are designed to be the edge.

For you are my threshing instrument.

Through you I will harrow the mountains.

For you shall be the sharpest of instruments.

For you shall cut through and set right and make plain.

Yes you shall cut through, and set things right, and make the confusing plain.

For the rough shall be smoothed in your hand.

As you move I shall smooth the rough edges.

For your edge cannot be rendered blunt.

For the substance I have put in you is harder than that which you rub against.

For you shall be strong, for I have made you strong, strength is in your character.

For see it now, you feel it now, for I have given you the power to pull down heaven.

Through you I will change atmospheres, I will bring chaos to the plans of the enemy.

For there will be confusion, a disturbance, a great storm that thwarts the plans of the enemy. For they shall not follow you as you cross over.

For I stand in their way, I am in their way. Tell them I am is in the way.

For I have established this way.

For I have established this going.

For there is no natural boundary that can stand in the way of my advance.

Did I not say to them let my people go?

For I have taken you from captivity in to the place of the promise.

This is your established going, from the place of captivity to the place of the promise, to the land that flows with milk and honey.

Can any one stop your going?

Can any limit, can any boundary stop your going?

You stand there wondering how you will cross over, how you will breach the containment line, yet it is I that have established this going.

Where there is no place to go…..

Where there is no place to go….

Where there is no place to go…

I shall establish your going, I will provide a place for you to step, a place for you to go, a means to cross over.

For your destination is sure, your progress shall not be stopped.

For your moving is established….

Who made your legs?

Who enabled you to walk?

How is it you have movement?

For you were born to move, to make progress, to come and to go.

For it is I that provides the means, the mechanisms of your movement.

For I am taking you to the wide open place, the place where there is great opportunity for movement.

From the place of confinement to the place of movement.

For I have established your movement.

For you shall go with MY flow.

For the barren land, the desert land, the un-fertile land, the dead ground, the place where they said nothing shall grow, shall blossom with my goodness.

For I am restoring all….

For I am restoring all….

For I am restoring ALL…

For the desolate place shall be full of my fullness.

The words uttered from your lips as a joke, shall come to pass, are my words

“Some say I am full of it”

For you shall be known as the one who possesses fullness.

Many will come to drink of your fullness, the empty shall come to be filled by you.

They will bring the thing that contains them, that defines them, in order to receive fullness.

Yet it shall be from this moment on, that when they take of your fullness you shall receive my overflow.

That which drains shall be abolished, shall be rendered obsolete, shall be no more.

For you shall be known as “the fountain”, the “font”, “the source”…

For today I am going to blow your mind, today you will experience something that has not been experienced before.

You feel it now don’t you…

Hands of fire, hands on fire, glowing with such brightness, the very gates of hell shake before you.

For I am firing you up, I am raising the temperature, I am blowing the limit, for the limit is now broken.

Yet what clothes you is not consumed.

For you shall be my burning bush, set on fire but not consumed.

Yet upon the fire I am pouring out my flow, pure flow, refreshing flow.

“How can it be…”

For your fire will not be extinguished, or diminished by the flow.

For I have given her the power of refreshment, the outpouring of refreshment, the garment of refreshment, the purity of the flow, the blessing of the flow, the power of the flow.

For I have wed you to the flow, I have covered you with the flow.

For the fire shall cause the ground to become fertile, the flow shall bring forth growth, abundant growth.

Acts 17:28 For in Him we live and move and have our being; as even some of your own poets have said, For we are also His offspring.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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