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The Dawn of Glory

The power of restoration, the restoration of power.

For by her hand I will restore restoration, I will pour out restoring power, the power of restoration.

Better than new, the restorer of dreams, the dream of restoration, the lost shall be found, the blind shall see, the wounded shall be bound up, the broken made whole.

Wholeness restored, the restoring of wholeness.

I am restoring the whole thing, not a part, not apart, but together whole.

For you we made to be together, made for togetherness, made to gather, together made.

One piece fashioned to fit another, a piece of my wholeness, my vehicle of wholeness.

The smoothing of the rough edges, the polishing, the removing of imperfections, the filling of gaps.

The rough made smooth. The hand made, the making of the hand. The restoring hand, restored.

The material, restoring the immaterial, the natural restoring the supernatural.

For it seeps from her fingers, the oil of joy, the soothing balm.

For many have prayed for revival, but by her hand I will bring a reviving, a restoring, a manifestation of wholeness.

A community reborn, a multitude of new kind, something new, something not seen before. A new community. The young and the old, the born again, with the newborns, the birthing of the new, the place of new birth. A new habit, a new habitation, an inhabitation of the place of desolation.

The once vibrant, then desolate, restored to colour, restored to “the happening place”, the place where wholeness happens, the place of restoration, the place of healing.

For she is my special treasure, a royal diadem, that shines across the land, a lighthouse, a beacon of hope, vehicle of drawing, an instrument of attraction, a symbol and source of my greatest blessing.

For in the place of intense darkness, my glory shines, for I have placed upon her my glory, she wears my glory, I have fashioned a glorious robe, a robe of glory especially for her.

I am placing my glory on parade, for she is my fashion show, my specially selected model, through her I am showcasing my glory.

For who can find someone like her, she is more precious than rubies, and even more glorious that she loves the rose, the red jewels, the best representation of my glory.

For I have reserved for her a place of special honour. You had a glimpse of it last night, where she sat upon my throne as all stood and applauded her, not for what she had done, but because of who she has become. My glory reflected, a reflection of my glory, for it shall be glorious.

For I have called her out of darkness into my marvellous light, and she glistens and sparkles in the darkness.

Just a glimpse of what is to come, for many will behold her, will marvel at her, will pause and stand in awe and wonder as she walks into the room. They will experience my fullness, my wonder, my joy, my peace, my touch, my expression, my desire, my passion, my purpose, my power, my look of love, my regard, my healing.

For behold, behold my glory, my best object lesson, your beloved, my best expression of my desire.

This is the dawn of a new era, the breaking of darkness, the beginning of wholeness.

For I am doing a new thing….



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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