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The Crossing

The crossing.

For you have come to the end of yourself.

Upon the brink.

Upon the edge.

Upon the boundary.

The way of escape.

For you have made your escape.

Yet here you find yourself surrounded.

Torn between.

Torn asunder.

Torn before what lies before and what comes after.

For your enemy comes after.

Yes he comes after you.

Yet he will soon be before you.

Yes he will soon be fore you.

He will soon be for you.

For it is time cross over.

From the place of the natural.

To the place that was fluid.

For I have held back.

For I have held back.

For I have held the fluid back, the flow back, the stream back.

For the place of your crossing is dry.

The dry ground is the place where you will cross.

The place kept from the sun.

The place that should have been drenched with fullness. Now so dry.

From the natural to the unnatural.

From the narrow path to the place of expansion.

From the narrow place, to the expanded place.

It is time to cross over.

Take over.

Over take.

Take from that which was over you.

Take with you my promise.

Possess all that lies before you.

For this is the time of unnatural power, unnatural insight, unnatural abundance, unnatural ways, unnatural growth.

Growth against the grain.

Growth from the broken rock.

Growth from that which was broken.

Growth from the dry place.

Growth from the expansion.

Expect an overflow.

Expect your enemy to be overwhelmed.

Expect me to push them back.

Expect them to be confused.

Expect their path to be stuck.

Expect them to be stuck in the middle. In the place of the quandary.

For this is the place of the unfurling.

The place where my plans will be unfurled.

Your destiny fulfilled.

The culmination of what behind, the pinnacle of your past experience.

Your preparation for what is to come.

The place of the rolling.

The rolling forward.

The place of great progress.

The place where your enemy will roll back, will fall back.

The place of great defeat.

The place where I will wipe out your oppressor.

For he shall fall before you, weighed down by his own protection. His end will be unnatural. For he knows not whom he fights against.

For he pushes back, yet it is I that rolls forward.

He pushes back that which now falls upon him. For that which flows against him was so unexpected.

For the path of glory opens before you.

For I have called you glorious, married to the one called glory, in union with glory, transcendent glory, a glory surpassing all that opposes.

A word from her is all it takes to decimate your opponent. For he runs at the sight of glory, my glory rising.

Out of confinement you shall come.

Out of confinement you shall burst forth.

I am birthing something new in the place of confinement.

First the conception, the coming, the coming together, the union, the invitation, the intimate moment, the touching moment, the moment of embrace, the two becoming one.

Then the one becoming the two, the two multiplied, the genesis, the exodus, the proclamation, the promise, the promotion, the announcement, the revelation, the unveiling, the parading, the coronation, the undoing, the redoing, the birth of wholeness.

For they shall be undone, they know not what to do, the pressing of the undo button has no effect, has not the affect they desire.

The redo has such power, the re doing, the doing again with intent, with embrace, with power, with unity, in union, in one accord.

First the unveiling.

The unveiling of the path.

The literal unveiling of the path.

The making of the path.

The revealing of the path.

The parting.

The way of escape, shall become the way of destiny, the way of the promise, the way of the possession, the promise the access key that opens the way.

Allow me to prepare your way.

From the dead end, to the path of the glorious.

From the dead end, to the end of that which dies. A new beginning, the birth of multiplication, of expansion, of possession, of the pacing, of the possession, of the advance.

The turnaround, from the desire to turn back, to the movement forward.

The crossing over. The breaking of the natural boundary, the birth of the new.

Never done before.

A taste of my glory.

The unveiling of that which is glorious, that which possesses my glory. For my glory is at the core, it radiates from deep with, and shines beyond the boundary of where it resides.

The orb of glory, the globe of glory, the place of restoration, the warmth of glory, the bursting forth of glory.

For my glory rests in your hand.

For it shall be glorious.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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