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The Coming

The coming and the going.

The time of the coming.

The time of the established going.

For I have established your going.

For you shall be the first to walk this well worn path.

For you remember.

For you shall remember.

For the former thing to you is a latter thing.

I am laughing so hard as you try and comprehend that!

For you remember the visions of the future, so much more than the visions of the past.

If I take you back to the past, it is to pick up something for your future.

When you feel like you have lost your marbles, I remind you of the intense joy you had in playing with them.

For you do not dwell in the past, but inhabit the future.

If I take you back to a time, it is a time of such joy, the joy of her presence, the love expressed by her smile, she is so fascinating to you, so instructive to you.

For it is the mystery of love, the love of mystery, the love of the mysterious one, the one beyond all description.

Your eyes look to the future, but your heart is torn by the past.

You feel the pain of the loss, the presentation of the gift, the preparation of the gift, the intensity of the work in preparing the gift. Only for it to be declared “unfit for purpose.”

Yet your enemy has no knowledge of my purpose.

He describes it so, so that you will feel the rage, be enraged, fire up the spirit of destruction, of oppression, of rejection. For this is the only purpose he knows.

Yet you feel the warmth of my hand.

Yes you see it now.

The old cobwebs, the old tattered and torn pieces, the broken pieces, now a tapestry of reflecting my glorious plan.

The coat of many colours.

The intricate weaving of the materials, the garment of praise. The garment expressive of praise. The garment of the oracle. The garment of the chosen one. The garment expressive of my choice. The full expression of my desire. For all know who is the king by what he wears, and the crown placed upon his head.

For you can see my hand upon it.

The web transformed into a weave.

A weave of many colours.

Drawn together, drawn by me, formed by my hand. Unlike anything before or since. Unprecedented, without precedence. Formed out of brokenness, into something majestic.

For you will see my fingerprints upon it.

You will feel my power when you wear it.

For you care not for what you wear, yet you remember the day where your cheeks hurt from the joy expressed upon your face.

It was the day you stood out from the crowd, the day you wore something that no-one else wore. A suit that signified what was about to happen. It was the place of the coming, the coming together, the two becoming one. The one becoming two, becoming new, becoming new, a new thing, a new couple, a new coupling, the power of 2.

For I have placed in her hand the power to restore, and in your hand the power to transform. For I am transforming restoration, and restoring transformation.

Take a closer look.

For cobweb is transformed into the weave of strong colour. From that which contains and captures, to that which frees and releases, promotes and lifts up. The scene that represents the ruin, now glorious, a glorious display of majesty.

For the old shall become the new, better than new, unlike anything before.

For I have taken you this far to take you back to the beginning.

You see it now, you feel it now, describe it for me again…

In the one hand my plan, in the other yours. And you said “Take hold of my plan for I have hold of yours”.

And I know you have done just that.

For my plan was covered in tears, words blotted out, never to be seen again, and as my eyes reached the bottom, a great tearing occurred, like the ripping out of the final step, to be left without a fitting conclusion.

But as you held more tightly to my plan what happened next?

In a moment, in an instant, a reversal, the words blotted out, now restored and highlighted, the stains from the tears wiped away, the page restored, the tearing away of the end, reversed like it never happened.

And now you are coming back to yourself.

For now is the time to tear and take off the sackcloth and remove the ashes. For I am giving you beauty for ashes, the oil of great joy for mourning.

For I promised to hold on to your plan, now take hold of your plan, and watch me bring it to life, for from the broken pieces shall come the masterpiece.

For I am restoring you, I am bringing back your power, your influence, your reputation.

For they will remember you with fondness, with kindness, with my favour.

For this chapter shall be called “The return of the king..”

I am restoring your sight, your insight, your foresight, your strength, your might, your influence. For I will cause their ear to open, for them to pay attention, to stand to attention, to heed your words, to follow your direction.

For I will cause you to speak with authority. For just as you spoke in relation to support processes you will speak as one who possesses knowledge, who has extensive experience on all things.

For my words shall flow from your lips.

For you marvelled at the words you spoke to them, to the director of support. In your tired state, in your exhausted state you spoke the words I had put upon your lips. It is no wonder that you in that moment could have written the manifesto on support. Yet you lacked nothing in resolve, in character, in confidence, only speaking as an authority.

For I am making you an authority on the subject. The one they shall all come to as the one who has the answer.

For I am remantling you, reshaping you, better than before, stronger, faster, fitter, more powerful than you expect. Bowling them over with knowledge, with experience, with wonder, with majesty. For it shall be majestic.

Just like you hang off my every word, they will hang off yours.

For the one who has been crowned the king, lacks no authority.

Yet you will know from whom the words spoken have come from.

Yes Lord, for you know all things and lack no authority.

Watch for me, expect me to show up, for you wear my garment of authority.

Watch what you are wearing, take nothing upon yourself that is not from me.

For now both you and I have hold of your plan.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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