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The Big Wet

With the crazy weather over this past weekend I am reminded to once again take God very literally in what He says. Since He has so much to say on the subject, and the impact of the storms before my eyes, it is timely for us to review His word..

16 May 2016

Wet. The big wet. The misty wet, the moist, the fertile.

Explosive growth. It shall ERUPT. ERUPTIONS ALL AROUND! Forget the small, forget the sprout, the shoot, the seed, for you shall see the forest, not the trees.

Do not prepare for the drop, prepare for the stream. Did I not say rivers of living water!

Get carried away. No retreat, no surrender. Get carried away. Abandon all restraint.

Put away the shears, the pruning implements, line up the harvesters. One use tools shall no longer do.

Bring out the big tools, the ones designed for multiples. Not a single plant but a harvest. Row after row, line after line.

10 July 2016

More than you expect. Abundance! Abundance! Abundance! (Repeat after me!)

Multiplied multiples. Not one after another. One, then two, two, then four then more!

Not a drop, not a bucket, not a pool, a stream, a river. Fullness in the place of lack. A surplus! More than you can give out. More to receive. A mist in the midst. THE BIG WET. That’s what they shall call it. Perfect conditions for growth.

No more waiting for the rain. For it is here. It is my dew in exchange for your due!

7 August 2016

Open the flood gates.

Release the pressure. Open the door.

Open the hatch. Open the hatches. Release that which I am pouring out.

Feel the rush. Feel the flow. Feel the splash. See the torrent.

Propelled forward. Pushed forward. Resting on the flow.

You are over the flow. You are on the flow. Not under the flow. You are on top of it, you are the dominant one. You have dominion. You reign on the rain.

You stand upon it. You sit upon it. You rest upon it.

It pools all around you.

The big wet. They shall call it the big wet. Alighting from their houses, from their office buildings, with awe and amazement. They will see that which has fallen all around. The weight of the the down pour. The ground is soft and spongy. The streets bathed in my fullness. The path before your feet moist and gentle under your feet.

For I have prepared the soil, ready for the planting, ripe for the harvest. The watered garden. The garden covered in my fullness. The weight of my promise. You can feel it in the air. The earth announces my presence, my fullness permeates all around.

They shall walk out and feel the weight of the promise upon their face. The dew that is due. The fullness. The abundance. The sign for all to see of what has happened. A taste of what is to come.

Not seen in the air but felt. The mist in the midst. For I am in the midst. I am front and centre. I am all around. I’m soaking the soil, the air. For the dry has become wet. That which has no moisture, is moist once again. That which had dried up is now full once again. The sand has become the soil. The infertile now fertile. The place of the shadow, is now the place of the sun. The place of lack now the place of fatness, of fullness, the parched ground the lush pasture.

You feel it now. For it is not sweat on your brow. It is my fullness. Evidence of my fullness.

6 November 2016

It pours from your pores when you pause.

The rush, the torrent, the abundant overflow.

A mighty stream, an empowered flow. A shower that flows from your hand. The currency of the current, the flow that rises from within.

Your hands on the drain, fills the drain to overflow. Like a flood, like a hose, like a hydrant.

Come like a flood and saturate me now.

For I have filled you with my fullness. It brims from your hand.

See the evidence of my overflow. The brick wall, wet with my flow. The metal block saturated with my flow. It is in the atmosphere. The dew that is due.

You go to the well, carrying the buckets to obtain fullness. Yet they are full before you arrive.

You sit in the desert awaiting for the big wet, rest your hand upon the dryness. Rest yourself in me, before the valley of fullness. Awake before the lake, wake in wonder, feel the golden glow, my reflection upon the water.

It drips from your hand as you rest.

It pours from your pores as you pause.

20 November 2016

Come into the place of reflection.

Look around and reflect.

For it shimmers all around. The glory. The brightness. The wet reflecting in the darkness, my light.

I prophesy. It ripples all around. You are soaking in it.

It flows all around. The big wet.

You walk amongst it. You come into the place of confinement. You step into the prison cell. You come into the dungeon.

But it is not as it seems. For in the place of darkness there is my reflection.

You walk on the place of darkness but you see the glimmer. The wet. The dew.

I’ve saturated the ground. It’s soaking.

Not muddied, but solid ground. Like concrete. Impenetrable.

Rock solid. Walls all around. And yet, look and see. How did this flow get in here? On the walls, on the floor, on the ceiling.

“How did this happen? For there is no leak, there is no way in, there is no point of entry?” They shall say. And yet, it rests here.

Beyond their comprehension and yet here it is.

You will not sink. Just stand and reflect.

For you are not confined. You are appointed to bring release.

For the place of lack is full of my fullness. My fullness rests upon it.

You feel locked in. You feel hemmed it. You are afraid to enter. For you fear you shall not return, if you enter in.

But don’t you realise what you contain?

What is it that you contain?

For I have placed in your hand, my instrument of turbulence, my fountain of agitation. My bursting flow. My raging torrent. My power hose.

Prophesy this…

“For you cannot stem the tide. You cannot block my approach. In the place of darkness. In the deepest pit, I bring light. I am the light. I switch on the light.”

Declare this. “For I am the dew that is due.”

I am your point of contrast. I am your distinguishing feature. Reflect. Invite reflection. Come into the place of reflection.

And they will say. “How did this come to pass? How did this happen? For I was blind, but now I see?

Set the captor free. For I break dryness. I break containment. I am pouring out. My fullness is here.

For I have attached you to fullness. You see your hand splashing in the river. The colours of the rainbow reflected in the stream. The promise reflected in the stream. Do you not see the stream rise up as you place your fingers in the flow?

It is 3 dimensional. Not flat. It rises in your hand. The promise elevated by your hand.

5 February 2017

The blooming flowers

Did you notice I skipped the still waters?

For your water flows.

On the brink, it parts, it makes a new way.

Floating on the waters. Be not overwhelmed, for I’ll keep you afloat.

There will be a ground swell. Moving at my direction, the crest pulled up like a puppet.

The breaking of the mould. For I have broken your mould. Rise from your cocoon.

The well watered garden. From the splash, the sprinkler, from the water. Broaden your view, what is it you see? Growth, abundant growth, directed growth, manicured growth, fertile ground. Not too much, just right, just the right mix, the garden!

Green pastures. From running with overflow, to new ground, to solid ground, to absorbent ground. One that receives the flow. Springy soil. Lush grass. The word is lush.

Ground you can run upon, one that you can rest upon, designed for comfort!

I’m pulling up the anchor. It is time to move.

(A picture of a huge anchor pulling up, creating a great wave across the water. I was pulled up as the great links of the chain rose. Leaving behind a great hole in the water)

The oil of joy for mourning.

On the backdrop of darkness, tears fell.

Yet I preserved each one like a diamond. They reflect my glory, they amplify the light source.

Feel the rush.

Feel the wind.

Feel the spray.

Feel the upward call.

Feel the rising up.

I’m bowling the boulders over.

The rising stream. Feel the uprising.

The boulders lifted up by the upstream. The word is upstream.

Feel the upstream. Look it up.

The clearing of the path. The removal. The re moving. I’m moving. Clearing the path.

Feel the splash upon your feet. For the big wet has come.

Open doors.

Open Ye the gates and let the king of glory come in.

Micah 2:13 The Breaker will go up before them. They will break through, pass in through the gate and go out through it, and their King will pass on before them, the Lord at their head.

Giant doors opening.

Here Ye this. For I am opening giant doors. The doors of the giant opening.

For you shall not see the top of the door – a giant opening.

I am making a way where there was no way.

All will say “no way”! How did that happen?

Stand in awe and wonder. Gaze with joy upon my greatness.

Look for the extra, expect the extra not the ordinary. Plan for the extraordinary!

Coloured perspective. Layer upon layer. Lay down the promise. See through the promise. Slide upon slide. Lay it upon them. One after another. Expect the promise, lay the promise upon them.

Promise more, expect more. For you shall not lack.

Expect not lack, expect abundance. Reach out. That is the word “reach out”.

The coloured flow. See the flow layered by the promise. One layer upon another. Mixed colours.


The multicoloured curtain.

The shower curtain. The baby shower.

I’m bringing gifts for your baby shower.

Don’t be in a flutter. Rise with the mighty eagle. The sky full with eagles all around. Blanket coverage. A swam of eagle. Like the bees with honey, eagles rising. The season of eagles rising, an uprising of eagles.

Lifting up a huge net of fish all around, a catch without a catch, abundance.

4 Match 2017

Just burst forth, just flow over, just come over, just overcome!

Why do you think I’ve given you the cup of overflow?

Do you seriously think I’m going to put a lid on it!

No, it bursts forth at the seams, it rises up like a fountain!

You saw it didn’t you? At the alter a huge fountain, bathed in the light of the promise, necklaces of many colours for all those who walked through the entrance! Expansion in the place of confinement, all around had to step back to make room! So it shall be for you!

For the promise shall flow, the gap shall be filled, the path becoming a stream.

In the place of desolation, in the quiet place, in the darkness, in the dryness – THE BIG WET!!!

I’m pouring out upon you. You feel it now don’t you!

What is the point of the anointing, the point of refreshing, the point of the flow?

Your head is the point from which I flow. I am pouring it out upon your head!

Fresh anointing, fresh insight, fresh mastery, fresh leadership, empowered vision, visionary leadership.

You reflect back on your scoping meeting and wonder who it was that was present in your place?

You wonder where the passion came from, you wonder where the words came from, where the insight came from, the direction came from?

In your weakness I became your strength!

In that moment you became one of those visionary leaders you always liked to be with!

What the heck!

You wonder how you will keep it together?

Well just give that part to me!


I am your cover, I map out the path, I arrange the recipient, I click the send button, I make sure it is read.

You say “get it together man”, “brace yourself”, “hold on tight”, “we must endure”, “how long must we endure”, “I’m at breaking point”, “I don’t know the answer!”

I say “I draw all things unto myself”, “be released, un-baton the hatches”, “pour out, burst forth, open wide your arms”, “breakthrough is here”, “I AM the answer!”

I exclaim, I proclaim, I make a claim, I stake a claim, for you shall claim all that I have for you!.

And cut through, cut through the tape, cut through the ribbon, make a grand opening. This is not a small thing, this is not a “soft launch” this shall be a grand opening. This is not a narrow path for the few, this is a wide open space for the many!

And cut through, take a short cut, shorten the path, accelerate the process.

Accelerate the flow, pick up the pace, resolve more revolutions. Define the process, set the course, determine the steps.

Press and hold…

12 March 2017

Rest in my flow as you are now. It bubbles up, it refreshes!

Wrestle not with the fish, for nothing I have for you has got away.

And yet I pour it all around. It is my accelerant. I’m and ready to light it up.

I’m creating the conditions for the big wet. The high pressure system giving way to the low pressure system.

You feel the pressure, you feel the dryness, you feel the tension in the air.

The transition is imminent. The down pour is coming!

From one state to another

From solid to fluid.

From frozen to thawed.

From peeled back to glued together.

From one season to another.

The sun shines on that which is distant and the impact is felt.

From darkness into light.

From night to day.

From angry to powerful.

From weak to strong.

From fallen to the one who lifts up.

From the veiled one to the revealed one.

From the hidden one to the exulted one.

From the peasant to the appointed one.

Are you getting my point?

Have I not appointed you?

I say over here. I point to the point and my appointed one moves.

Here is your seat. For I have crafted it for you.

After this fashion you shall be.

I am a fashion setter.

I make the trend.

I have fashioned you for this event.

I have placed this robe upon you.

You have my ring on your finger.

I have sealed you for this purpose, for this appointment, with my authority.

How did you find yourself here?

For you did not stumble into it?

Your steps were deliberate.

Your path was crafted by me.

I built that which you are standing upon.

I have paved your way.

I have placed your foot on this path.

You are here in the position for I have called you to be here.

You are my plug.

I’m plugging you.

You are my plugin.

You shall stop the drain in the dry place.

From the base shall come the fountain.

From the lowest point shall come the highest point, the elevated point.

19 March 2017

For I have put in your hand the power of the flow, it rises and falls at the lifting of you hand.

Speak to that which flows and say “rise up!” To the gap say “be filled”. To the dry place say “big wet!”

For it is I that gives you the power to impress. Press upon me, take a stand with me.

11 June 2017

The big wet.

The big squeeze.

The big splat.

The big spray.

Patterns unexpected.

The spray of the stream, the pattern of the flow without flow.

The imprint of the flow, the crevice of the flow, the impact of the flow.

All will ask. “Where did that come from”

The pool, the river, the stream, the pattern of the flow.

The river bed, not a sign of what once flowed, but a capacity, a place for the flow that is to come.

“Road subject to flooding”

In the place of the dry, I say this path is subject to my flood.

You saw the ripple in the High up place. The pattern in the elevated place. How did that ripple get there you ask?

This is no ancient path, a sign of what once was.

This is a sign of that which is to come.

You look for the trickle, the flowing drop, but look up and see where I have drawn the line.

For its time to rise from the place of the valley.

Come out of the shadows.

Be high and lifted up. Be uplifted. For I am lifting you up.

First your head, then your eyes, then your whole body.

Come out of the mire, the place of the slip, the place without traction, the place of much movement but no progress.

Take off the mud, wash off the mud, I have washed off the mud.

Come up to the new place. Let me show you around. It has a great view.

I call it the place of the pinnacle. The high point. The elevated point. The high light. The high place. The place of dominion.

First a new perspective, now a new posture and new position, a new speech a new revelation, a new declaration, a new presence, a new power, a new rule, a new era!

For the sparks are flying, I’m cutting out a new platform, a new shape, a foundation, a platform for the palace. I’m making some renovations. I’m putting on an extension. The delay is merely an extension. The longer the delay the bigger the capacity.

You see the sparks flying, the sound of the chain. Is not the chainsaw the instrument of the harvest? Is not the felling of the trees to establish a clearing? Does not the presence of the forest presuppose the fulfilment of the promise, the growth of the seed?

For nothing shall flow away, the valley shall be filled to capacity.

20 August 2017

See the flow drop down upon the beaded door.

Look closer.


Look again.

For the door is designed to keep the bugs out.

Yet you have brought my flow in.

For the drains burst forth like fountains.

An uprising all around. I’m pouring it out.

But look again.

These are not ordinary beads, but precious stones of many colours.

If the door is precious how valuable is the house to me.

This is no ordinary vessel.

For that which was grounded now rises above.

Transformed. Designed not to sink but to rise above.

I’m transforming the flow.

The pinnacle elevated, the flow swirls all around the mountain. New patterns.

For you shall walk upon the mountain, the pinnacle with fresh robes.

And if you walk, and keep and do, I’m going to bless you.

When you move, the ground moves with you.

No seriously.

The enemy chains you to the ground, thinking that if only he can restrain you with various attachments he will stop your progress.

And yet I say move!

“And we are going to ask our God to move”

For the ground trembles at your feet.

For I have broken this ground.

Literally I have broken this ground.

Without restraint.

Whatever you are attached to shall move, shall be moved, shall be shifted, shall advance.

How can it be that you have found yourself to be bound?

For you a bound to be free, you are bound to be moved, for you are bound so that I can move what restrains you.

For the chains will not break until that which they are attached to are broken.

For they find that which is strongest to bind you to in hope that it shall not be moved.

But behold, just be and hold, for I have already broken.

For the strong try to hold you, yet their stronghold is broken, lies in ruins, fuel for my inhabitation!

A new storehouse. Yes that is right, a new storehouse. You saw it this morning didn’t you. You woke up with the sound. The rumbling, the thunder, and yet without rain.

For I’m sweeping up the dust. I have made room. Yes I have made room, pressed down, shaken together.

The biggest truck I could find to carry the plunder of those who have come against you. For this is their fruit, this is the time of harvest, and I have been scouting around looking for a sign of the promise!

For I have commanded this blessing.

It will be a ground breaking event.

Once the big wet, now the big quake, for the ground parts for your feet. At the movement the ground is torn asunder.

You hold the ground, hold this ground, hold your ground. Possess this ground, this is your ground.

You look for the seed in it, but this is the fruit of your labour, the broken ground.

You are looking for the calm, the evidence that you are on the track, and yet all week you have been feeling the strain, literally!

Even now your leg tremors in my presence.

Is this not a sign?!

Get ready for breakthrough! For I have broken through!

22 October 2017

Once afar off. Now up close.

What’s happen’n.

What’s happening?

What happened?

For this is the place where it happened!

For this is the place of the happening?

In the former day, a withdrawal of water, so as to make a way, to establish the path of the crossing, the place to cross, the way of the crossing.

In this day, the deposit, the pouring out, the filling, the great washing, the way upon the water.

For what happened? What happened? What is happening?

For this is the happening place!

This is the place of the suddenly, the unexpected, the downpour, the outpouring, the pouring out.

“This is the moment everything changes”

This is the place of reversal, what was withdrawn shall now be deposited. The place of the drain, now the place of the fountain.

All those who come looking for the lack will return with fullness.

For they come empty, coming to obtain fullness. For the empty tank shall be filled.

No need to look for the bowser, no need to select the right fuel.

For this is the place to party, this is the place of power, this is the place of celebration, this is the place of light, this is where I am preparing the stage, I’m putting on a show.

For you need no water feature, you need no water view, no pool. For I shall provide the flow, the overflow.

Invite them to come to a pool party, invite them to experience the refreshing, say come and be refreshed. For they shall downcast, despondent, depressed, withdrawn, isolated. But I have drawn them in.

For the tide has turned!

What was drawn out, shall now be drawn in.

What was pulled out, taken out, stolen, robbed, shall now be put back, returned, deposited.

For you shall go to withdraw and pause and wonder what was deposited.

For the season of lack is over!!!

For the withdrawn shall deposit, for that which was taken shall now be put back.

For the chair, the table that was withdrawn, had no use. For there was no one to come. For I wanted you in, for this was the place of elevation. This was the place I wanted you to look out.

Now the place of possession. This is the place you will possess. This is the place of the promise.

For I have led you up the garden path.

For you shall be like a well watered garden.

For it shall be as I have promised.

Now set the table, prepare for fullness, many to come.

You will need a bigger table!

Extend the table. Put more seats out.

Now put the table outside, prepare to get wet. For this shall be the place of overflow.

For the dry shall be wet, the empty shall be filled, the hungry shall be fed.

Return to the pantry, for I have upgraded the ingredients, look and see what we shall make together.

Behold I am doing a new thing, so you not perceive it, will you not embrace it?

For I am wrapping you with the new, you shall be wrapt in my wrapping!

18 November 2017

But was it not wonderful?

Be not confused, be full of wonder, for it shall be wonderful.

For now it springs forth, yes now it springs forth, it bursts forth, it breaks free, it brings restoration, it brings abundance, it brings life.

Abandon all notions of lack, abandon all lack, for this is the era of abundance, there is no turning back. For I have broken the container, the containment.

Your period of confinement is over, the baby has been born, can it return to its mothers womb?

For to whom much is given, much shall be required. For to whom that is faithful with the little shall be given much.

For much is coming, so much more is coming, more than you can contain, for I cannot contain myself, I burst forth upon the right and the left.

The big wet has come, the ground saturated at your feet, awash, it shall be awash with my goodness.

Dryness is obsolete, a thing of the past, soon to be long forgotten. For this is new for old replacement.

Everything that is old, everything that doesn’t fit, shall be replaced.

For I have cleared the path, I have prepared the way, I have opened the gates for the king of glory to enter in.

Expect wonder, expect glory, expect miracle after miracle, expect a great testimony from every test. Expect an easy path, expect to float in my flow.

For the former, swimming against the current, shall now be floating in my flow, for I have turned the tide.

For this is not about going against the flow, this is now about riding my wave. For that which was against you is now for you.

Get used to the new, embrace the new, be excited about the new, for it shall be full of wonder, it shall be wonderful.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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