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What is it made of?

How does it feel?

How material is it?

Is it hard or is it soft?

Can it be moulded?

What shape is it?

Can it be impacted?

Is it rough or smooth?

For I’m creating something new.

It feels different.

It may look the same, but the colour is different, the material is different, the texture of it is different.

Metallic grass, silver trees, golden streams, the fiery wind of change is coming.

It will feel different.

Not same old, but same new. Transformed.

It looks the same, but is NOT the SAME!

At first glance it looks the same, but look again IT IS NOT THE SAME!

There is a new mix, a change in substance.

The basis of the seed has changed.

No longer carbon, no longer brittle, no longer soft, no longer consumed by fire.

Now silicon, formed under pressure, harder than diamonds, fire resistant, embracing of fire, immune to fire, mouldable but impenetrable.

Relaxed and at ease regardless of that which comes against it, surrounds it, steps on it. Impervious to circumstance.

My substance defines that which it comes in contact with.

One defines another, one transforms another, together transformative.

This is my new ingredient, the drop of white, mixed with that which is dark, changes the whole mixture. The dark impacted by the light. It was the light that changed the dark, transformed the dark.

The circumstance transformed by the substance.

A core change, a fundamental change, same but new.

How does it feel?

Smooth, but unbreakable…

Soft to look at but stronger than iron, a pillar upon which I will build my house.

Beyond impact, beyond reason, beyond your imagination, beyond your essence, beyond your DNA, beyond your heritage, beyond your strength, beyond your capacity.

I’m changing the game, I am changing everything, I am changing the basis, I am changing the foundation.

From insect to iron, from worm to harrow, transformed in a moment.

For size does not matter, shape does not matter, circumstance does not matter, what is the matter, what does it matter, it is no matter, the circumstance does not matter, the feeling does not matter, for no matter what I AM!!!!

I am the substance, I am your hope, I am your shield, I am your source, I am your strength, I am your resource, I am your potential, I am your mighty sword, I am your vehicle, I am your instrument, I am your essence, I am your power, I am your foundation, I am your founder, I am your point of origin, I am your start, I am your end, I am your provider, I am your peace, I am your redeemer, I am your friend, I am your lover, I am your armour bearer, I am the one who bears all things, I am your burden bearer, I am your way forward, I am your way, I am the path…

I am that which defines you, I am the definition, I matter, I am matter, I am your substance.

You expect it to feel the same, you expect it to look the same, you expect the same pattern, you expect the action to lead to the same reaction.


Look again, feel again, expect something different, expect the opposite not the opposing, expect glory! Yes expect glory! Yes expect wonder, expect glorious wonder, stand with awe and wonder, for you stand with awe and wonder. Awe and Wonder stands with you.

You look for similar patterns, you interpret with limitation, expect boundless, anticipate without boundary, expect expansion, expect difference, expect better, expect more, hope for more, hold on to more.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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