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For one shall be above, and another beneath.

One over and another under.

One disconnected.

One torn apart.

One frayed at the edge.

One broken.

Another whole.

One solid, another transparent.

One of a different material.

One of a sparkling nature.

Other buried beneath.

Another rising above.

One made of another kind.

One made for kindness.

One lying in isolation.

Another striving for connection.

One threading the needle.

Another spinning the yarn.

One born to be displayed.

Another designed to be the setting, to set the scene, to lift up, to mount that which is most precious.

One designed to cradle.

Another designed to be cradled.

One crafted like no other.

One crafty like no other.

One a craftsman like no other.

For it is my hands that sews it all together.

An intricate work of art.

Not an ordinary thing and extraordinary thing.

No longer a broken thing, a yoke of beauty like no other.

Embroidered like no other.

Not crafted by a machine, made by my hand.

Interwoven with threads of gold.

Beaded with precious stones bought at a great price.

Like your beloved dressed appropriately for her wedding day. Adorned with a beautiful dress worthy of her beauty.

For to cover that which is most precious is to wrap the greatest gift with the finest wrapping.

For my purpose is to accentuate that which I want to stand out.

For the peasant stands in contrast to the King.

The pauper bows before the prince.

The servant in reverence to his master.

Yet the bride only longs to see his bride.

For he longs to embrace the beauty that stands before him.

For he stands face to face with the one he loves.

His eyes transfixed upon the one he is called to love.

For just as the bridal garment is designed for a purpose, for a moment in time as a declaration of desire. A declaration of worth. A proclamation of that which is desired. The manifestation of desire, the arrival of desire.

For you remember well the adornment.

You feel each adornment, you feel the texture, the smoothness, the presence of that which was most precious.

A garment of beauty for the one who is most beautiful.

Yet I am crafting a garment for you like no other. A robe of distinction, worthy of your worth, one that speaks of my desire, my kindness, my love.

For when you walk into the room, you shall see the impact of what I have made, the drawing of the eye, the wonder of those looking upon the wonder of it all.

For this is my way of joining the dots.

For eye has not seen or ear heard of the wonder of all that I have planned for you.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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