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For you long for that which is tangible.

But you bathe in the glory of that which is intangible.

For to touch her, to kiss her, to be with her, is like an out of body experience.

You fight with yourself to be present in body with her, but your mind is somewhere else.

For to be with her, is to enter the gates of heaven.

It is like a dream like state, where you feel nothing but pleasure, the manifestation of desire, the glory of her love manifest.

You lie there in the place of awe and wonder.

The unreal feeling of that which is so real.

You are caught in the midst.

You are torn between the receiving of her desire, and the rising of your desire for her.

For she feels so real, but the glory of it all is so unreal.

Surely this must be a dream you ask yourself?

For in this place.

For in this moment.

You cannot come to your senses.

Your senses overwhelm you.

It makes no sense to you, yet means everything to you.

You feel like it should be an exchange, for you would gladly exchange awe and wonder for the strength of passion and desire.

The intangible for that which is tangible.

Yet my love takes the lead.

My love is poured out upon you.

My love embraces you, and holds you close.

For I had to interrupt the reading.

I had to add.

I had to add my voice to that which was spoken.

For now is the time to seize and receive.

Time to embrace and caress.

Time to be loved like never before.

Time to receive all that I have for you.

For in order for my love to flow out of you, it must first flow into you.

Do you mind if I break the rules?

For someone once said to you it is for the man to give and for the woman to receive.

In some way that made sense to you at the time, but you were never one for the formula. Indeed you only seek to understand the formula so that you may vary it, break it, or innovate a new way of doing it.

For you know that my love follows no formula. Indeed my love leads the way.

My love breaks open a way.

Indeed you are more fascinated right now at the reception over the wedding ceremony.

For the wedding is all about coming together, for you this is a natural thing, for how can one be separate from the one you love you ask? For to be separate is only to allow yourself to gain composure, to compose yourself again, to pull yourself together, so that you can once again be in her presence.

Yet the reception is the moment that interests you right now. For man, it is a place to celebrate the coming together of that which was apart.

Yet for us it means so much more. For the reception is an opportunity to see what love looks like again, to embrace that which is now manifest, to embrace that which is so intangible, to feel that which is unseen, and to get a glimpse of the radiance of my love, the glory of my affection.

For to receive my love is so overwhelming for you.

I know what you are going through, yet even more I know what you are going to.

For I have got your number.

Yes, let me say that again, I HAVE GOT YOUR NUMBER!

For you saw the look upon her face, you heard her lips moving, yet were so overcome by the glory of the moment.

Such a creative way to express her interest, to create an opportunity. It was not so much what she was asking for, it was the beautifully expressive, and so masterful way she crafted this moment that completely blew your mind.

Such a masterful way to express that which was so intangible, a beautiful expression of such inner beauty, such a moment of radiant glory that you will never forget.

Yet you see now decades later that it was all the work of my hands, the full expression of my desire.

For you so want to express yourself right now, and yet in a moment, in an instant you are taken back to that moment.

Your mouth was so wide open, and with all your might you wanted to say something that was a fitting response to such a moment.

Yet I was happy to respond for you too.

For in your weakness my strength is put on display.

For it was not a poor response, it was a fitting response.

For your friend had to speak on your behalf and said “what I think he is wanting to say is yes, and his number is ……”

Everyone thought it was a great laugh. Meanwhile your mouth was still locked in place and you were unable to even comprehend the magnitude of all that was happening.

“How could it be that the one I love is asking for my number?”

I know how much you wanted to give of yourself in that moment, I know how much that meant to you.

Yet you need to understand this, you are such a gift, your mere presence is a gift to those willing to receive it.

For what was it I showed you yesterday?

A giant gift, beautifully wrapped and resting in the place before the one destined to receive it.

You felt the pregnant pause didn’t you. In the gap between, in the moment before, in the seconds between the giving and the receiving.

And my words echo in your ears again now.

In order to receive you must seize, in order to seize you must receive.

For what is the point of a gift unless it is unwrapped?

Yet I want you to know this, I what you to receive this.

In the moment of the reception.

Yes in the moment of the reception.

In the place of the reception.

You could feel my love in that moment so strongly, it still brings tears to your eyes now.

The glory of my desire for you, the perfect display of my affection. You could see my glory in her eyes, the expression of my delight in her smile as she asked for you, as she expressed her desire for you.

In the moment of awe and wonder, in the time when your world stopped, in the time where you were unable to give.

I stepped in and made the exchange for you.

For you had to say to the most learned preacher to the most knowledgeable one to “keep giving your gift”.

Yet you are my gift, and I will ensure it is both given and received.

For that which is intangible will be made manifest through you.

I am putting my love on display like never before.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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