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Take the Shot

Take the Shot

There is a huge shift coming. Lay aside. Push aside every weight.

An opening. A grand opening. The pulling back. The peeling back. The grand reveal. The revelation of that which is grand.

The moving of that which is immovable.

For the stage is set.

For I have caused the light to shine.

The platform awaits your arrival.

For I have set the stage.

I have measured it’s height and depth.

I have designed it to accomodate those involved in the performance.

I have rehearsed my intent.

I have stepped before.

I have determined the steps.

I have walked through the scenes.

For the air is thick with tension.

The audience waits in suspense.

Looking for the moment.

Awaiting the unveiling.

Looking for the reveal.

First the teaser.

Then the trailer.

Then the interviews.

Then the marketing.

Then the scheduling.

The execution of the planning.

The running of the play.

The passing from one to another.

The bouncing back.

The bouncing forward.

The passing from one hand to another.

Take the shot. The lifting up and the putting down. From one hand to another.

Pass it to yourself.

The stepping back, the stepping to the side, the taking of the ground.

The pushing forward.

The pushing back.

The forward movement.

The movement of the forward.

Be forward.

Become forward.

Be out front.

Be at the front.

Position yourself to take.

Position yourself to receive.

Position yourself to go up.

Get ready to jump.

Position yourself for the leap.

For I have passed the ball to you.

I have set you up.

This shot is yours to take.

For I am taking you up.

Be up not down.

It is all in the timing.

The timing is predetermined, is predestined.

A wide opening. A grand opening.

For I declare you are wide open.

I declare your opening is wider than you think.

Be not down, be up.

For I have determined the time of your release, the position of your hands, the placement of the ball, the trajectory of that which is in your hands.

For I have determined the size of the goal, the position of the ball, the path that it shall take.

For it shall be illuminating.

For I have given you centre stage.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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