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Take the Reins

The unwrapping.

The unfurling.

The unravelling.

For this cord is not easily broken.

Here take the reins.

I know you want to let go.

I know that for you this is the very last thread.

Just hold on.

Just hold on tight.

Take hold and hold on tight.

For that which you want to let go of, has hold of you, takes hold of you.

You hear the horses say Neigh Neigh.

Yet I say Yay Yay.

For that which unravels before you shall hold you fast.

You want to say just hold up, just stop for I want to get of this ride.

But I say “full speed ahead”.

For that which compels you propels you.

Faster and faster.

More fast.

Let’s pick up the pace.

For I am tired of trotting, it is the time to gallop.

Full forward.

Press forward.

Here take the reins.

For what you say goes.

For whatever you say goes.

There is no stopping now.

For in the moment there shall be momentum.

You feel the pulling forward.

What does that remind you of?

The school of fish, schooled by you to swim forward. Faster and faster so that I was skiing on the water by just holding on to the net.

For you shall have no fear.

For fear has no hold on you.

For I have hold of you.

For my hand is upon you.

For you shall move forward.

Wave upon wave, riding each wave upon wave.

Rising higher and higher, leaving a wake behind you.

For what is behind you shall have no power over you.

Fast forward.

For that which is before you propels you forward.

For I have written the foreword of your book.

I have set you up for success.

You cannot fail.

You cannot fail.

You shall not fail.

For anything that comes against you shall only take you higher.

There shall be no push back only pushing forward.

For that which comes against you shall turn and come with you.

For the turnaround shall cause them to turnaround.

For they shall have a second look.

I shall cause them to turnaround.

For that which you release shall have hold of you.

For the power you release shall power you up.

You feel it now like never before.

The power of my presence.

The power of my present.

Made perfect in your weakness.

In the place of your abject weakness there shall be an exchange. Your weakness for my power.

You feel it again now don’t you.

A great outpouring.

The pouring out of the promise.

The pouring out of that which was promised.

The flow of many colours.

An electrifying flow.

Pulses of light. Radiating light, like lightning in the flow.

For it is the power of my flow.

For I shall join the dots for you.

I have instructed the fish where to find your net.

I will instruct them in the way they should go.

You want to say to yourself get lost, get lossed, be lossed.

You want to go missing and tell them not to send out a search party.

You want to title your book, “The missing one”, “the lost one”, “the one who could not be found”.

Yet so many, many x many, multiples of many shall be found because of you.

Say unto yourself “I have found...”.

Say unto them “I have found the answer”.

For you shall speak and they shall answer.

For they shall speak and you shall be the answer.

Untold provision, provision from the unknown source, unexpected provision, for I have provided this for myself.

For you shall be the place of the coming and the going.

These words echo from your own lips “come on”, “come on”, “come on”.

Over and over you shall come. You shall not be overcome, but shall be the one who comes over, the one who overcomes.

Against all odds, despite the odds.

One against the many, sounds like great odds to me.

For I shall be all that you need.

My abundance shall flow.

You shall be unstoppable.

What is you want to do right now that you can’t.

Hop in the joy machine and floor it until maximum speed is achieved.

You can feel my power now can’t you!

Like holding onto the reins of the fastest horses, power with no limit.

Here take the reins, for I have given you power without limit.

There shall be no limit.

Beyond the edge.

Over the edge.

Beyond the point of no return.

The place of many returns.

Say unto yourself “many happy returns”.

For I will provide the forward movement.

Be without restraint.

Release my power.

For I have placed my power in your hands.

For who needs to be strong to push the boundary, when you can simply walk through the wall?

For your enemy trembles before your advance.

No fortress can withstand your advance.

I have broken the limit for you.

In advance of what was.

In advance of what is to come.

For you shall advance, for I have given you the advantage.

You shall possess the edge. I have given you the edge. Sharper than any two edged sword.

Gird your sword upon your side and ride out in a spirit of triumph and humility.

For who needs to fight when you already possess the victory.

For who wears the golden armour?

The one who possesses all.

It is time to level up.

Let’s go to a new level. Next level.

Unprecedented, without precedent, the first of its kind.

A whole new thing. A thing that brings forth wholeness, that births wholeness.

For I have robbed your enemy of his wealth, his power, he shall stand before you and pay tribute.

For the one who has the right of passage, does mot give way.

For he has been given the way.

It’s time to step into the new. A whole new dimension. Beyond. Beyond the edge. Over the edge.

For my power rises within you like Samson.

Who can hold freedom captive?



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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