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Take Possession

In the extreme.

New levels.

Climbing higher.

The push and the pull.

The strain and the stretch.

The strain and the stretch.

The absence of restraint.

The contending with restraint.

The struggle to break free.

For it tears at your soul.

For you want to be free of it.

Free of lack.

Free from constraint.

And yet I have set you free.

In the moment.

Again in the moment.

The moment between, what has been and what is to come.

For you can see it now, like you are Joseph.

Called forth from the prison cell to meet with the Pharaoh.

The captive called forth, but still a prisoner.

A change of clothes but still a prisoner.

The one falsely accused.

The one restrained without cause.

The one who lost everything, and was placed in the room of confinement.

Called to interpret another's dream when deprived of all that he ever dreamt of.

Called to interpret, called to translate that which is unreal into that which is very real.

Called to make that which is unknown, and misunderstood, known.

Called to speak on his own behalf.

And yet what did he say?

"For the Lord knows."

For he only would speak what I gave him to say.

At the moment of truth, he spoke my truth, he proclaimed that which was to come before it arrived.

For it was not a historic interpretation, it was a prophetic declaration.

He spoke not about himself, yet he revealed everything about me.

For he spoke with my authority to the one in authority, who then bestowed upon him great authority.

He spoke about what was to come, in anticipation of its arrival.

He then was responsible for the preparations and the welfare of my people.

We was captive to my vision, my purpose, my dream, my intent, my plan, my appointment.

He spoke all that I commanded him to say, and was given my authority to bring it to pass.

First the calling out.

First the calling from.

First the calling out from the prison.

The call to come out of seclusion.

The call to arise from the prostrate state, from the depressed state, from the downcast state.

The call to rise.

The call to come out of hiding.

Second, the change of clothes and appearance. He made himself presentable.

Yet still captive.

Then the instruction to respond.

Genesis 41:16
Joseph answered Pharaoh, It is not in me; God [not I] will give Pharaoh a [favorable] answer of peace.

And then the manifestation of that which was dreamt of.

The two dreams being spoke of as one.

The cows and the ears of grain.

The ones who eat and the ones who hear.

The ones who consume and the ones who listen.

The mix of that which was dreamed of and the one who dreams and the one who interprets.

The mix of one who listens and the one who speaks.

The meeting of the one who listens and the one who speaks.

Yet what do you say unto yourself, what do you hear from the voice of your heart?

And what will you say of your future?

For if you speak from the words of your past, then you will say "this is a dead end", "another failed venture!", a journey of "trauma".

Yet if you speak from the words of my promise, then you will say "arise and shine", "FOR IT SHALL BE GLORIOUS", "for I am more than a conqueror", "for I am the voice of freedom", "for that which lies ahead, will far exceed all that has gone before"

For it seems that your choice is to believe the "father of lies", or "the author of truth"?

You need to "act like you trust me", for you shall feed on my faithfulness and surely be fed.

Nevertheless upon the ground of your word, I will lay down the net.

Speak to me your words of interpretation, your words of manifestation, your words about our future, so me how to navigate that which lies ahead. For I only want to speak your words. I am lost without your word, without your insight, without your manifest calling out, without the manifestation of all that you have promised.

I say to you these words..


For that ground shakes in anticipation of your arrival.

And I will turn the hearts of the people towards you.

And I will cause their ears to open to the sound of your words.

And I will speak my words through your mouth.

And I will explode the enemy before you.

And I will break the mighty walls of Jericho.

And I will release my abundance before you.

For the treasure chest breaks open before you.

Break free from your constraints.

For I am setting you free.

For I am releasing you.

For you shall harrow the mountains, and smooth the path that lies before you.

Expect a giant movement, a mighty fall of the one who opposes you.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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