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And it flows.

And it flows all around.

A new blend.

A new mix.

A new combination.

A fresh combination.

A fresh unlocking.

A new sequence.

A new taste.

At first so unusual.

It looks the same, but it is so, so different.

It feels so different.

A different texture.

A unique blend.

It now has a grab handle, for I have given you something to hold on to.

This one was designed for the corners.

The windy roads that you love so much.

At whatever the speed, I have given you the ability to take the turn.

A fresh feeling.

A new feeling.

At first so irritating.

But hold your position.

Adjust your posture.

Hold your position and adjust your posture.

Consider how you might receive that which I am giving you.

For my gift is not static, it is dynamic, you can configure it to suit how you feel.

Yet it spurs you on for more.

As you adjust to what it is capable of, it begins to adjust you.

A new way emerges.

A new posture forms.

A new stance, a new position, a fresh perspective.

For the ground I have given you to stand upon, is not like that which others walk on.

It washes against you, it flows from you, it reacts to your presence, it responds to your touch.

You feel like you are swimming in it, but I want you to walk on it, use the waves to your advantage, make accelerated progress in the storm.

The key word is “Tactile”, look it up.

of or connected with the sense of touch.
perceptible by touch or apparently so; tangible.
designed to be perceived by touch.

When you cannot see, your senses are heightened, you become “on edge”, and before you recognise it you are irritated.

Yet if you adopt the right posture, and embrace that which you cannot see, take hold of that which I am giving to you, everything changes.

In the dark, your first reaction was to switch on the light, yet that option was not given to you.

Then you found yourself embracing that which you cannot grasp.

From the place of great resistance, I have given you the one that is irresistible.

For you can only maintain your distance for so long.

For here is my definition of irritation, the increasingly contained expression of rising passion.

The choice is to rage against yourself, or to release your passion.

>Like a fire shut up in my bones.

It oozes out of you, it must be expressed by you.

Have I not told you that you are my burning bush.

You stand your ground in the dry place.

You burn with great intensity, so much so that your very body shakes with the tension of the moment.

Yet in the quietness, in the stillness, in the place of intimacy, my love shines through, and the release of that which I have placed in you is manifest.

In the place of intimacy my passion is fully expressed.

In the giving and the receiving, in the warmth of my embrace, my love is poured out, my love is manifest.

Yet out in the open, I feel so exposed, it’s like running around after my naked wife and not catching up with her. It is exhausting, and frustrating. For what use is passion, unless it can be expressed fully?

Yet the burning bush expresses my desire, it created an opportunity for encounter, it presented itself in a subtle way, at first glance it was an ordinary display of natural fire.

But for those who are tuned in, those who are positioned for the embrace despite the pain of waiting, the longing compels them to come closer.

As your beloved said, “Those who are tuned in, feel God’s presence when they come near to you.”

For my beauty draws in, my passion pursues…

You wonder if it is ok to express your passion, and yet I have shown you the answer….

The bush burns, but is not consumed by your fire.

Yes, fan into flame the fire I have placed within, be unafraid to express yourself, for I love public displays of affection.

For the lovers smile and celebrate the moment, and those of bitter heart turn away and fail to receive that which I have offered.

So adjust your posture, open your mouth, purse your lips and get ready to receive. Then pour out all my passion, all my affection on all those ready to receive.

For I will cause those I desire to come to you, to embrace all you have to offer.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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