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There you sit surrounded by the enemy encircled around you.

They form a precise circle, a uniform distance, an ordered distance, a commanded distance. For I have told them not to come any closer.

Hush, they say to one another, holding their fingers over their lips.

For they do not want to get your attention..

You sit in the place of peace.

For the wars have taught you how to be at peace.

When you know you cannot be defeated, what is it that threatens you?

For the word has gone out.

The enemy assembles before you, pauses before you, is silent before you.

For you look upon their faces and observe the fear and trembling upon their faces.

For I have brought you out into the open, I have exposed you to the enemy, I have made them vulnerable to you, to your vulnerability, for in your weakness I am strong.

They ask of themselves, they whisper to themselves, “how can this be the mighty one?” For they look upon the outward appearance, they see only the scars of war.

Yet they know the power that you possess, they have heard the stories, for the word has gone out.

They look for your expression, they look with fear and alarm for your smile, for they have heard, it has been foretold, that is the sign of their defeat.

In a moment they are running for their lives, scattering before your advance, yet they know it shall be a massacre. For they shall be overcome with anxiety, fear and alarm will inhabit their heart and soul. “Fallback, fallback we are overcome”, they shout from their lips as they cry with great anguish.

For I have lulled them into a sense of false security, they had dismissed you as a threat, they ignored the signs, at their peril.

Now they assemble before you with awe and wonder, seeking to behold the one who has caused them such harm.

For they sent their giant to wrestle with you, and yet I had told them “it would not be a fair fight.”, I told them “it would be a bit one sided” yet in their arrogance they persisted. This is how they tell it…

“You should have seen our giant, so big and strong and mighty, his arm was bigger than the circumference of his opponents body. His hand was so big in comparison, that his smallest finger was the size of the hand of his opponent. His stature overshadowed his opponent by 10 to 1. Heck they even needed to get a ladder for his opponent to sit upon. The time came for the fight, and we all assembled for what we considered to be a comedy performance. We all tried so hard to stop ourselves from laughing, yet we were overcome with laughter and were rolling around on the floor at even the concept of the battle. We barely heard the sound of the trumpet blast declaring the start of the fight.

Then we heard the loudest cry of anguish we had ever heard. We looked around expecting our opponent to be squashed and smeared across the table by our champion. Yet you had wiped the smile from our faces in an instant.

There our giant lay, arm broken clean off, his body buried by the rubble of the table resting above him.

And then we saw it, a picture I will never forget the broadest smile upon the face of our opponent. A symbol engraved upon our hearts and minds. Written down and passed around the camp.

Our only hope is to keep him from smiling….”

For I am establishing new patterns, opening new doors, I have created you for such a time as this.

Psalms 45:2-4 You are fairer than the children of men; graciousness is poured upon Your lips; therefore God has blessed You forever. Gird Your sword upon Your thigh, O mighty One, in Your glory and Your majesty! And in Your majesty ride on triumphantly for the cause of truth, humility, and righteousness (uprightness and right standing with God); and let Your right hand guide You to tremendous things.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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