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Strong Alignment

For this is the place of the drawing.

The unexpected drawing.

The drawing you did not expect.

For it was so unexpected.

For how is it that the dead pieces come together?

Is it not the cobwebs?

Is it not this mesh that holds it all together?

For nothing is without value in my kingdom.

For even the dead, broken things are held together for my purpose, for a deliberate purpose.

The drawing of one thread to another thread, the connection, the interconnection, it is the crossing, the crossing over that has value.

From one piece to another, from one thing to another, once loosely held, or once whole but now broken, now drawn together.

For your word is now “to mesh together”.

A new point of connection, a new means of connection, a new place of connection, a new reason to connect, more power in the connection.

For it is the connection that serves my purpose.

Pulled together by me. Nothing random here. It is all by my design. Not an odd shape, a deliberate shape, drawn by me in all senses of the word.

For what purpose does a single thread have?

Is it not a means of connection?

Is it not a means of strength.

Thread by thread, line by line, crossing by crossing. The intersection stronger than you anticipate.

Is this not the formulation of my web. My organic mesh?

For there shall be a new meshing together.

Not a threshing but a meshing.

For my net is the means of capture, the means of containment, the means of the drawing, a means of gathering. A means by which you shall gather.

Indeed is not your grid a means of drawing connections, identifying gaps, making meaningful conclusions.

Prophesy alignment, seek alignment, and you shall find alignment. For I am lining things up.

Why do you see this picture over and over?

The picture of me, wearing a suit of golden armour, starting to move and thousands of elite warriors move in synchronicity with my every move?

Is this not a picture of the alignment of resources available to you?

For how shall they follow unless you lead.

Is it not so funny that your old boss would define you as “overt” the one that would always telegraph your moves!

He did not describe this as a weakness only that your opponent would always be very clear what you stood for and who and what was coming against him. In fact he said that your opponent would always see it coming whenever you moved.

Is it not time to be bold again?

Is it not time to stand and proclaim?

Is it not time to stand out in a crowd?

For I shall follow your advance. I shall support your advance.

The moment you step out from the crowd I am with you.

All will see your movement. For not one shall move without your movement. Yet all shall reflect your movement and align themselves with your move.

For your enemy even says to you, shouts to you, declares to you “your move”!

It is time to light the flame of my supremacy, the beacon of hope, to rise on to your throne. For you need not occupy the position of another, when I have given you your own dominion.

Is this not a new thing I am doing through you. A new movement. A defining movement. A bold new thing.

For the old has gone, the new comes together before you.

What is it you see now?

You lighting a match, striking a match, igniting a fire like never before! An explosion of fire all around.

For now is not the time to play with the dimmer switch, now is the time to detonate a glorious explosion of fire. For my fire rages within you like never before.

As always your beloved speaks my word to you so as to emphasise my point. For even the fire brigade comes to see what is causing the smoke.

Yet try as they might they cannot put out my fire.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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