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The new pattern, the old pattern, the merged pattern, the interrupted pattern, the broken pattern, the painful pattern, the pain of the pattern.

Behold I am doing a new thing.

The pain of the old, the discomfort of the new, the torn pattern. The new patch on the old?

The pain of the movement, the repositioning, the new posture, the new embrace.

I’m tired of the old, I’m frustrated by this in between, the transition. Can I not just stay here. I don’t want to move, it hurts to move. I went to sleep in pain, I awoke with more pain. I’m tired of the pain.

Fear not, I’m moving you into position. My hands are upon you. Bringing alignment, strengthening that which is weak.

The strong holds up that which is weak – by design. The weak stands in the way of the strong. My design. For I have cast the downcast, the outcast before the strong. The disabled before he who is able. The right before the upright.

Let the weak say strength, say strength is coming, say I am strong, for strength is coming to the weak. Is it not I that holds the weak, like jelly in my hands. There is no strength it, but strength surrounds it, holds it, embraces it, comforts it, bounds it, but without boundary, without limiting it..

Let the weak say I am strong… because of what I have done! I’m not making this up as I go, I am deliberate, I have strong intentions for you, a purpose and and plan. For the strong shall carry the weak and the weak shall possess the strong. A union of the strong and the weak. For the strong shall not be weakened, but the weak shall inherit strength.

For “I AM” is your strength, therefore you shall say I AM has made me strong. I carry “strength” you shall say, for I am your strength, your shield, your deliverer. The mighty one, the almighty, the ALL mighty. The one who has dominion, the one who possesses all, is your possession. Am I not within you? Do you not carry me in your innermost being. Am I not the being that is in you most?

Psalms 73:26 My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the Rock and firm Strength of my heart and my Portion forever.

Is it not I that holds you up? You go to pick up the pace, to gather momentum. You pick up each moment, you collect each moment. Precept by precept, step by step, for I have established your goings.

Yet you find yourself in a moment of weakness, strength upon strength, then weakness, unexpected weakness, weakness getting in the way of strength. Strength, punctuated by weakness. You have gathered much, now it is time to gather yourself.

You run with intent, you are off and running. Before the smoke has left the gun, you are at the finish line.

What does this mean?

Before you start, I have finished. Before the start I have placed the end.

You have seen this pattern before. My means of transport is different from yours. You think it is a step by step path, or you think it is the boat that carries you. You think walking is for land, and the boat for the sea. Our intent is aligned, for we will soon be at the other side.

Your intent is pure, but your means of transport is primitive. Rise above that which is beneath you. Rest upon that which has no strength. Be lifted by that which is weak, for you carry my strength. Be elevated, rise above your weakness. Take my hand for I am your strength.

Selah. “I am your strength”

My strength is made perfect in your weakness. My grace is sufficient for your needs.

You worry about the time, the timings, the deadlines, the finish line, the staging, the plan, the action, the steps. And yet have you ever seen me arrive late?

You smile as I speak, for you think you have caught me out! But you see me smiling too. What is it that I brought with me when I was late?

For Lazarus I brought reversal, resurrection, life in the place of death. The ultimate strength exchanged for the ultimate weakness.

For Peter I brought elevation in exchange for the sinking, the fall. For delay I brought immediacy. For struggle I brought peace. For that which was fluid I brought the solid ground.

For darkness, light. For weakness strength.

Be held by me, behold me, be hold me, hold on to me, take my hand, take my strength. Let’s go to the other side.

Let’s go from the place of limitation, to the place of strength.

From the place of challenge, to the place that is over. From depression, and oppression, to dominance. From weakness to strength.

2 Corinthians 12:9 But He said to me, My grace (My favor and loving-kindness and mercy) is enough for you sufficient against any danger and enables you to bear the trouble manfully; for My strength and power are made perfect (fulfilled and completed) and show themselves most effective in your weakness. Therefore, I will all the more gladly glory in my weaknesses and infirmities, that the strength and power of Christ (the Messiah) may rest (yes, may pitch a tent over and dwell) upon me!



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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