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Streams of living water.

Streams in the desert.

Not one stream but many streams.

A fountain of streams.

Not one then the other, but both and…

It is so much deeper than you expect.

Line by line.

Row by row.

A sprinkling of seed.

Just a sprinkling of seed.

Blossoming all around.

First the stream.

Then the blossoming.

A harvest of blessing.

Flowing all around but not washed away.

In the place of the parting.

A flow on effect.

A flow to the left, and a flow to the right.

A wave that continues to flow across the ground, on and on, more and more than you expect.

You anticipate limited impact, but this land flows.

This is the land of the flow.

For there shall be a flow on effect.

Was it not such a laugh when you enemy becomes so precious about your reputation!

I was cracking up and you tried so hard not to laugh.

For you know it was I that gives you light.

Yes Lord for it is you that illumines my darkness. It is by your light that I walk.

Yes you walk in my light.

For what habitation does light have with darkness?

For one overwhelms the other.

One illuminates the other.

One triumphs over the other.

In the place of intense darkness am I not your light?

For who can hold freedom captive?

For such captivity is merely an opportunity for my freedom to be made manifest.



The manifest of manifestation.

For to manifest is merely to reveal, to expose, that which is invisible.

Like someone switching on the light.

Just like the globe illuminates in the natural.

My presence illuminates in the supernatural.

Is anything too hard for me?

For I have established your comings and your goings.

I have determined your course.

Everything falls into place. What you open nobody can close.

Say unto yourself “of course!”

Gather up the fragments so that nothing shall be lost or wasted.

Give no regard to what your enemy considers valuable.

For I know where your treasure lies.

I have kept it safely hidden for you.

Alternating patterns.

Alternative patterns.

The one then the other.

The other and then the one.

The intertwining patterns.

The powerful tied to the weak.

The strong lifting up the weak.

The light illuminating the dark.

The one who grows, wrapped up by that which is dead.

The one bringing life to the other.

The one or the other, the other or the one.

Not either or, but both and.

For we are many.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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