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Step Out!

And I will be here waiting for you...

And I am here for you too!

In the place of the waiting.

In the waiting room.

As you pace up and down.

As you pace it out.

As you walk it off.

As you take another step.

As you move forward.

As you put your foot down.

As you lift your foot up.

I am right here with you.

I am right alongside you.

I am the one who holds your hand.

I am the one who makes a way.

There is always a way with me.

I’ll never say to you “no way!”

For there is always a way.

There is nothing in the way that will ever cause me to take a step back.

Though the storm rages upon the sea, it only accelerates my movement.

For anything that comes against me, only accelerates my forward movement.

Wave after wave only causes me to advance.

I see no need for the waters to be calm in order for me to embark across the other side.

I do not look to the winds and the waves in order to set my course.

For what opposes my plan?

For that which comes against me, shall only cause me to move forward.

I have no fear, I possess no fear, I have absolute confidence in my next step.

For what shall cause me to be overwhelmed, what shall cause me to be beneath?

For everything is beneath me.

For the Father has put all things under my feet.

I’m happy to telegraph my next move.

I care not if my enemy has advanced warning.

For when the flood comes it only causes me to be elevated.

For my purposes always float to the surface, my instruments for building cannot be submerged, but always rise to the surface.

For what is it I have shown you right now?

I’m standing upon the highest peak, with flood waters flowing all around, rising up to the place upon which I stand!

Have I not given you the highest place, the elevated position?

For I see you wondering what to do next? Asking yourself “how do I take another step?”

You think to yourself “If I have the highest position, I should know what to do next?”

Have I not given you the deep?

So whether on the highest pinnacle or in the depths of the ocean, your position is the one I have set aside for you.

You consider yourself out of position, yet you occupy the place I have appointed for you. For this is the time of your appointing, your true anointing.

I am making a public spectacle of you.

I am making an example of you.

I will speak over you.

I will proclaim over you.

I will make a proclamation.

I will make a decree.

I will endorse your course.

For they will have no choice.

They will consider no other option.

For I will speak on your behalf.

How can decline my invitation!

For it oozes out of you.

It pours from your pores when you pause.

A container for my flow.

One alongside another.

Uniquely crafted by my hand!

It was always meant to be this way.

It was always meant to be this way.

This is the only way!

What is it you see now?

A big sign with a huge arrow, which says ONE WAY!

For this is the way you shall walk.

For this is the well worn path upon which you shall be the first to tred.

For I have paved this way.

I have determined your course.

I have set before you my joy and delight.

For I am breaking open the box of joy, the container of all my delight.

Concern yourself not with the manna, just look out for the downpour. For what I have for you I have placed in storage.

Not a natural thing but a supernatural gift.

For shall I bring the child to the point of conception and then not give birth to it?

For what is it you hear now?

The sound of children crying. Crying yet without a comforter, louder and louder their sound rises in my ears.

Have I not called you to be a father to the fatherless! For my children shall not be abandoned. I will not leave them alone as an orphan.

You feel me!

Can you not feel my passion rising!

For what I have for you is so much greater than anything that has gone before.

For who will deliver my people unless you take up your position!

You feel my power rising within you and without. For in the place of lack now comes my abundance. In the place where they are without, they shall be with you.

For you shall be my missing piece. They shall hunger after you.

What is it you see now?

The dry parched lips of your people, the expanded stomachs of the malnourished!

For I will not leave them without.

For you consider how to position yourself, how to wrap yourself, how to present yourself. Yet who cares how the food is wrapped when it has been so long since the last meal.

What is it you see now?

A crowd of zombies, walking around, lifeless, with the light of their hearts dimmed and flickering.

Now what is it you see?

My hand resting upon them, lighting the flame of their heart.

You feel the constraints of man like shackles upon your hands and feet.

Have I not released you?

Does my appointed one need ask another for confirmation?

For it shall be as I declare it.

Nothing shall get in your way. Just take another step. Pace up and down the land I am giving you.

For I will cause your enemy to pay tribute.

Walk with confidence, for you have my backing.

Walk like it is your coronation not your funeral.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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