Stand By
Stand by
In the intervening period.
In the period of intervention.
In the interval.
On the break
At the break point.
On the pause.
I am standing in.
I am your stand in.
I am your standby.
I am standing by.
Just stand by.
Just stand by.
Just stand by me.
Just stand and watch me do it.
In the preceding time.
In the time of precedent.
In the time that precedes.
Once upon a time.
In the time that was before.
I am, not I was. I AM.
I AM your present.
I AM presence.
At the time of intervention.
At the time of the crossing, I pressed pause.
The time of intervention, was the time of enabling.
At the time of the blockage, at the time of the torrent, at the time of the overflow, at the time of the flood.
At the time of the stopping, I enable movement.
Stopping the one.
Stopping the movement of the one, to enable the move of the many.
Stopping the flow in order to enable the passage.
Enable the passage.
Enabling the word.
For my word is powerful.
The restricting of the one, to enable the freedom of the other.
Exodus 14:21-22 Then Moses stretched out his hand over the sea, and the Lord caused the sea to go back by a strong east wind all that night and made the sea dry land; and the waters were divided. And the Israelites went into the midst of the sea on dry ground, the waters being a wall to them on their right hand and on their left.
The passing of the passage.
The rite of passage.
The right of passage.
The rights conferred by the passage.
The standing.
The standing upon.
The standing upon the edge.
The standing upon the brink.
The placement of the step amidst the overflow, amidst that which is overwhelming.
Joshua 3:13 When the soles of the feet of the priests who bear the ark of the Lord of all the earth shall rest in the Jordan, the waters of the Jordan coming down from above shall be cut off and they shall stand in one heap.
The progress upon the danger.
The progress in spite of danger.
The stepping stone.
The stepping upon the stone.
The stones of the stepping.
The stones in the place of the stepping.
The memorial, in memorial, the alter to the standing.
The monument to the moment.
Let me take you back.
Let me take your back.
Let me stand behind you.
Let me protect your back.
The substitution.
The obstacle replaced with nothing.
The boulder replaced with the parting.
The something replaced with nothing.
Step into the nothing.
Stand in the place of placement.
Stand instead.
Stand where I was standing.
Stand where I made room for you.
Stand instead.
For the place that was hard, is now empty.
The solid place replaced with the invisible place.
The absence present, the presence absent, the lost found, the found now lost.
For I have made room for you.
The wide open space, surrounded by the wall of promise.