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Spring Forth

Come out, come out, wherever you are!

Come out of the shadows.

Come out of the darkness.

Come out of seclusion.

Come out of the depths.

Come out of mourning.

Step out of the shadows.

Leave behind the shadows.

For you are not a shadow of your former self.

Step into the spotlight.

Come into the high light.

For it shall be glorious.

Come forth.

Come out.

Loose that man and let him go.

For you are not a ghost of your former self.

Bathed in the light.

A source of light.

Radiating my light.

Release my light.

Come into the light.

Shine my light.

For out of the darkness my light shines.

For you see it now don’t you.

The lifting of the lid of the burial chamber. The dead rising into the light. Not a zombie but a living testament to your goodness.

And this is what comes after.

And this is what the after life looks like.

For your enemy counted you out.

Your enemy tried to bury you alive.

Your enemy wanted you out for the count.

His intent was to erase any sign of your existence.

To remove and rewrite.

To erase and cover over.

To place underneath and cover over.

Like you never existed.

Yet you shall rise again.

For I say unto you arise.

Arise from the depression.

Arise from the place where you feel pressed upon.

For when you are pressed upon.

For when you are under pressure.

You shall not go down.

You shall rise.

For that which pressures you shall give rise to you.

For it shall be pressed down, running over into your lap.

It looks like a mess to me Lord. Like something spilt all over me, and now I have to get up and get changed.

Is this not the overflowing cup?

I’m cracking up at your response.

For how does the one who carries the flow, clean himself up?

For it pours from your pores when you pause.

For try as you might, try with all your might, you can no longer contain yourself.

I see it like this…

You are trying to mop up the flow, trying to keep yourself together, trying to dry up that which of its own accord is wet.

For you are dripping with it.

As your pastor said, I see footprints of oil, wherever you walk.

Are you not my vehicle of overflow.

For the cup of lack shall overflow with my goodness.

The container can no longer contain my goodness.

For it is your destiny to lie with those who are aflame.

All it took was a single spark, to burn the whole enemies camp down.

For I have put you on edge.

For it is I that have put you on edge.

You feel like you are teetering on the edge, and could fall in or out.

You can feel yourself so agitated.

So reactive.

So under pressure.

For what I have placed in you must come out of you.

For I have anointed your head with this oil.

For it shall be my anointing that breaks every yoke.

For you shall be called Legion.

The one who breaks a thousand chains.

You want to sit and cut yourself.

You want to cut yourself off.

You want to remove yourself.

You want to erase yourself.

You want to bury yourself in the darkness.

Yet you know who it is who calls you by name.

Come forth!

Come out of the tomb.

Rise to a new life.

For you shall not be the same again.

For my glory rises upon you.

My glory pours from you when you pause. When you pause and reflect.

You know what I am talking about.

For you know what it looks like, the beauty and majesty of my glory, engraved upon your soul.

For you can see what it is you said.

For the former thing has become the latter thing.

For when you talk about your past, you are really talking about your future.

For that which was foretold, now comes to pass.

For the word becomes flesh and dwells amongst us.

For it shall be as you have declared.

For all that was before, all that was foretold, now comes to pass.

For I have placed my word upon your lips.

Shall it not be as I have said?

For I have been watching over my word in order to perform it.

For it shall be as you declare.

Come out of seclusion my shy and modest dove, stay with me in the cleft of the rock, let me see your face, let me hear your voice. For your face is ravishing and your voice is soothing.

I am lost for words.

Fear not for I will give you the words to speak.

For today this day I have made you a mighty fortress, go out and speak all that I have commanded you to say, do not be dismayed at the sight of their faces, lest you be confounded and overcome.

For I have ordained you to be the light, for in what fashion does the light consult with the darkness?

Speak life, release my light, prophesy how I see it.

For behold I am doing a new thing, now it springs forth.

Come forth.

For in you I have placed that which springs forth.

In you I have placed my overflow.

A fountain of goodness in the sun scorched land.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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