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Spot on!

Be enraptured.

Be wrapt in a state of rapture.

For the climax is coming.

The conception is here.

The coming is here.

The coming together is here.

The joining together is here.

The two becoming one.

The proclamation of that which is to come.

The announcement.

For I am shining my light on this union.

I am here in this moment.

Let there be light.

For my glory rises upon you in this moment.

Is this not a moment of joy?

Is this not the ultimate pleasure?

Is this not the moment of great delight?

Is this not the moment of rapture?

Is this not the moment of bursting forth?

Is this not the deposit?

Is this not the deposition!

Is this not the distribution of the seed?

Is this not the preconceived moment?

For I announce that which is to come with great delight, with all the “ohh’s”and the “wows”.

For this is not an ordinary moment.

In the place of the beginning, there is the greatest joy and delight.

This is no ordinary concept.

No ordinary conception.

The two becoming the one, yet in the distribution of the many, shall come forth the many.

For the instrument of reproduction shall have strength, shall stand erect, shall come into position, shall grow and expand.

For it is time for the unwrapping.

For that which is covered shall be exposed.

For that which brings forth reproduction shall stand to attention.

For I command a blessing upon this seed.

For in the place of the deposit there shall be an overflow.

You shall have left over seed.

You shall have too much seed.

For you shall rest your hand upon the fountain of overflow.

For that which I have placed within you must come out of you.

For that which is within shall become manifest without.

For that which is within shall be manifest without.

For now is the time of the distribution.

For now is the time of the conception.

For all that has happened before has set you up for this moment.

All that you ever dreamt about has come forth in this moment.

You see it now.

You feel it within the depths of your being.

For the two became one.

A moment of great revelation.

A moment of exposure.

A moment of the greatest joy.

A moment of great affection.

A moment of great rapture.

A moment of the greatest joy.

A moment that you remember from so long ago.

For in the giving you shall be received.

In the moment of the unwrapping, the greatest gift was revealed.

The removal of the barriers.

A removal of all the wrapping.

For I designed you to be wrapped by each other, to be wrapped in each other.

For I have embraced you both, I have wrapped you together in my love.

In the moment of the unwrapping, I wrapped you in my love and affection.

For I have expressed all my love and delight in this moment.

Take off all shyness.

Take off all that covers.

Take off all the covering.

For you will be wrapt in this moment.

For in this moment, I command an uprising.

I command an elevation in the flow.

I command a fresh wave.

I command an uprising in the flow.

For it shall rise above.

For I am wrapping this flow.

For I am covering this flow.

I am fashioning a coat for this flow.

For I am forming a coat for this flow.

First a collar.

First an edge for the collar.

Then a buttoning together.

Then an intersection point.

A cutting in one piece, the place for a button hole.

A sewing in another. The bringing together of the threads. The threads of the flow coming together.

The button holding the threads together.

The point of intersection of the threads.

The coming together.

For the forming of the togetherness, the drawing together of the threads.

The button placed on the point of the intersection.

Yet the point of the button.

The point of the button, is to be placed in the button hole.

The connection point, the point of the button is to connect the one side of the coat, with the other side of the garment.

The point of the coming together is to bring togetherness. The point of the button is to allow the covering to fully enclose that which needs to be covered.

For the button increases the warmth of the garment. The sewing together brings forth the greatest connection. The intersection point, brings forth the coming together of that which is initially apart. For the button brings forth the binding, and yet is also the point of the release. The button provides the option for a closing or an opening at the option of the one is wearing it.

Is this not the whole point?

Is this not the means of release?

For the four threads come together into the one button. For the button serves my purpose. The intersection point, becomes the point of connection.

For I am depositing my seed at the point of intersection. In the place of the coming together I am releasing my seed. I am announcing the birth of the many.

I am bringing forth the multiples.

For is not the operator designed to support the production?

For the X multiplies that which is stands next to. For I am placing my hand upon the X. For X marks the spot. On the point of multiplication.

For my hand is opening the birth canal.

For I myself shall be the mid wife.

For I will stand by at each birth.

For I will be there at the moment of birth.

For I will be there for the multiplication.

For in the time of multiplication.

For the one shall come, and straight after another, and another, and another.

Can a nation be birthed in one day!

For as the water parts, I make a way.

This is my version of the water breaking.

For I have parted the ways, I have broken the waters, I have established a way.

This is my birth canal.

The point of entry, and then the point of exit. For there was a going in. Then a place of worship. A place of rapture. Then an exit into the promise. Then the birth of a nation. For there was a going in, and then a coming out. In between, a rapturous moment, in the hidden place a birthing moment.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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