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No words.

Beyond description.


For I name it, I knew it, I formed it, I conceived it.

When it was born, you saw its form, you gave it a name, over time you came to know it, yet in so many ways it remains beyond description.

For that which is made in my image is beyond description.

For you come to know, only to know that it is beyond your knowledge, beyond your ability to describe.

When you did not know what to ask for, or how to describe her, she was present before you.

Haha made you look!

You make me laugh Lord!

For it is one thing to be in the presence of beauty, it is another to recognise it.

For your gaze was directed elsewhere.

But just at the right time, I made you look.

And there she was!

Beyond your ability to define, to describe, to know, to understand, to engage with, to speak about, to speak to.

I take full responsibility for it!

For I knew you before you were born!

For many had approached you, yet you are drawn to her!

For I have placed my love and affection within her being.

For you look upon her with such fascination.

The fascination of the manifestation.

The fascination of the manifestation.

The fascination of the manifestation.

Are you getting this?

The fascination of manifestation.

Over and over, more and more, over and over, more and more.

Like writing lines in detention, but not for punishment, for instruction, for meditation, for revelation, for comprehension, for a depth of pouring out, for a deep immersion, for depth.

The fascination of manifestation.

The fascination of manifestation.

The birth of something amazing.

The point of origin.

The original point.

The first point of a long story, a love story.

For here we are 35 years later, and you are still fascinated with her!

For she cannot describe herself as you describe her.

For to gaze upon her beauty is magical, mystical, intriguing, beyond measure, beyond understanding, beyond description.

Yet to stand afar is insufficient, is limited, is restrictive.

For have compelled you to be with her.

To touch her is like a living dream, to embrace her is to feel my love wrapped around you, holding you close.

I know you are lost for words.

Yet this was always my design.

The love of mystery, the mystery of love.

Is she not the best manifestation of my love?

Yes the more I look at her, spend time with her, the more it is like spending time with you.

”I just want to be here with you, I am lost in your mystery, I am found in your love for me. All my attention on the wonder of this moment.”

I love how you put words in my mouth, when I don’t know what to say!

Beyond definition, beyond understanding, beyond doing, to being, just being, being present.

I love the sound of her voice!

”Oh the glory of your presence, what more could I ask for?”

Yet there is value in the exploration, the description, the attempt to describe, the vision of my love, the glory of my love, the power of my love.

”I just want to be here with you, I am lost in your mystery, I am found in your love for me.”

For you were compelled to come close, you were so excited in the moment, you had to invite her to come away with you.

You got that from me!

For I love to come away with you!

You remember the first touch moments.

The lifting up!

The arm around her, walking up the slippery slope.

It felt so surreal for you, like an out of body experience, like walking in a dream like state. Trying not to be too forward!

Yet you and I know that without restraint you would have jumped in the deep end, and soon been way over your head.

It was just your absolute kindness to me Lord! The dream girl, being the forward one, the pursuing one, the assertive one, the one who had all the right moves. I just felt, I still feel, way over my head, overwhelmed by her glorious beauty, and the radiance of your light upon her. I’d love to say this is how it is, but I don’t care how it is, because she is!

And there you are, in over your head!

Way beyond the boundary line, way over the edge, falling over the edge.

At this point what is it you recognise?

That you have it sorted, when I had no clue, you had all the clues. When I have no moves, you have all the moves. When you want to give me something, there is nothing I can do to stop it, I can only put out my arms to receive it.


For so many this would be a small thing, quickly discarded, quickly forgotten.

Yet this was no accident, this was no random event.

The connection point.

The point when everything changed.

A single touch.

A touching of the tips.


You mess me up Lord!

I know it is so emotional for you! Such a turning point for you! A life changing moment.

You know me so well Lord! For I had held the hand of another when I was a child, and it was like touching sandpaper, not a fun time in anyway!

Before I formed you, I knew you!

Such a small thing, but to me such a big thing!

For I know you love to hold her hand, for holding her hand is like holding my hand!

For I am with you!

For I am with you!

For I am with you!

Yet I am only getting started.

For this shall be the “forward” season!

Where what I have for you, shall be drawn to you, shall be excited to be with you, to be seen with you, to be in your presence.

For you need to understand this, for my love pursues you, chases after you, follows you, longs to wrap its arms around you, to embrace all that you are, and all that you are becoming.

Rest in this moment, feel the warmth of my embrace, the release of all pain, all loss, all lack, all tears, all that was passed, for it is over and gone.

Love is now manifest, love is now poured out in your lap, the love box has been broken and its contents flow over you, and all around you.

Every little thing is going to be ok! Every step you take, my love goes with you, walks alongside you, embraces you, holds your hand!



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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