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I am lost for words, nevertheless upon your word I will. I know you always have something to say. Sing louder than the unbelief. I am going to sing in the middle of the storm. Up from the ashes hope will arise, death is defeated, the king is alive. Round and round we go, can I not just get off the merry go round, for I am not enjoying the ride.

Where upon.

Yes where upon, did you decide to let go?

Show me where?

At what point?

Show me the point?

What is your point?

Make your point?

Point to the point!

Point it out to me!

Lord you know, why do I need to show you anything. I really don’t want to play today.

Why then play hide and seek with me?

Just declare your intent, be bold about it, seriously WHAT IS YOUR POINT!

I want to point to the loss, the lack, the pain, the reckless behaviour of those that do not know how to be whole. They want to show off their wreck, and absolve themselves of all responsibility. They say I don’t know whether it was the car or the driver that caused the wreck, yet it was the navigator that steered us into the ditch. I am so tired of talking about it. I just want to walk away, abandon the car, and just take a hike! And this is how I fight my battles, with praise as a weapon. It may look like I am surrounded, but I am surrounded by you. And now I hear your words upon my lips.


Sorry, not sorry for SHOUTING, but I had to get your attention.

For your enemy comes upon you, surrounds you of every side, seeks to limit your every movement, hemmed in on all sides, providing no way of escape.

They come seeking to take you out.

Yet this is what reversal looks like, for you shall lead them out, you shall take them out.

From the inside out. For the inside shall be out.

For this is the time of the uncovering, the unveiling, the revelation of my grand plan.

The great revealing.

Like Clark Kent taking off his shirt.

The great uncovering.

The taking off of the clothes than no longer fit.

For the trembling you feel is the trembling of your enemy.

I feel the darkness shaking. Let your kingdom come.

For the time of the awakening is here, say unto them “WAKE UP!”

Tap them on the leg.

Smote them on the shoulder, and say “ARISE”

Don’t be shy about it.

For your light shall shine. Amplified magnified, unable to be extinguished, permeating all that tries to cover it up.

For your light has come, and my glory rises upon you.

For what is it you see?

The spotlight elevating from beneath me, to above me, to the place where I cannot go.

Yet it is not I that limits you!

When I say be lifted up, will you not respond?

For the time of your rising has come.

Come up higher.

For I say to you “Come up higher”

For I have given you the elevated platform.

For that which you stand upon shall rise. Higher and higher beyond your expectations.


You mess me up Lord!

He says to you come DOWN and have a word with me!

Repeat this after me and say to him “NO WAY!”

Repeat after me and say “This is not the way that I must take”

Repeat after me and say “For I must go up higher! It is my destiny to to make progress on the HEIGHTS”

For I have positioned you to look down upon your enemy. You must be up, you must be above and not beneath. It is your enemy that is beneath you.


Having done all to stand.

Stand upon your enemy, for he shall cause you to arise, he shall provide a means of elevation, a platform for elevation, positioning you above the crowd.

Say unto him “LOOK OUT”, for he shall position you to look out, to see above the crowd, to see beyond what stands in front of you, to have a better perspective.

Now you know. Now you know my intentions. Now you have understanding. Now my plans are revealed.

Your attention was focussed on the one I have chosen to be queen. You could hear the crowd crying out in adoration for the one you adore. Your hand resting upon the shoulder of her regal royal robe. The path cleared before you. The thousands upon thousands lining the streets.

Yet now you now what that means.

Now you know what it means to be king!

And why be so puzzled as you heard the words from their lips “Sieg Heil”

For you thought it could not be what you heard.

Yet now you know.

Yet now you know what I declare over you.

For ensured victory. Hail victory.

For my glory shines upon you.

Held in the brightness of your light.

For you had begun to dismiss any prospect of victory.

Instead, now say this to your enemy, “Dismissed”.

For I have given you the power to call to attention and to command dismissal.

Habakkuk 2:1-3 [OH, I know, I have been rash to talk out plainly this way to God!] I will [in my thinking] stand upon my post of observation and station myself on the tower or fortress, and will watch to see what He will say within me and what answer I will make [as His mouthpiece] to the perplexities of my complaint against Him. And the Lord answered me and said, Write the vision and engrave it so plainly upon tablets that everyone who passes may [be able to] read [it easily and quickly] as he hastens by. For the vision is yet for an appointed time and it hastens to the end [fulfillment]; it will not deceive or disappoint. Though it tarry, wait [earnestly] for it, because it will surely come; it will not be behindhand on its appointed day.

It must be time for a speech.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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