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Space for Joy

Can you feel the stillness?

Can you experience the calm?

In the absence of?

In the presence of?

In the desolate place.

In the quiet place.

In the place with room.

For I have given you room.

Much room.

Room to breathe.

Room to grow.

Room to expand.

Room for more.

For when you come into the banqueting house, how do you feel?

In awe of the space, the grandeur of it all.

Yet how do you feel in the place I have given you?

Agitated, restless, under strain, without gain.

What if this is your banqueting house?

What if you would see it differently?

For you take note of what is absent.

I take note of who is present.

You see all the space and feel confined, restricted and restrained, discomforted, uncomfortable, and without comfort.

Your only resting place is in the arms of the one you love, in the warmth of her embrace.

And yet you feel the loss, you know what is missing, you feel the absence of what was, and what is.

The tears flow from your eyes, and all you feel is the sinking feeling, like your boat is sinking because it is full of tears.

You have given up the search for joy, you have put aside your joy, for you are willing just to accept the absence of pain.

Yet you are so inspired by her, her beauty radiates from within into your place that is without.

For you cannot stay down, your spirit rises to the level of her spirit.

For it can only be glorious in her presence, the face of glory, the body of glory, the walk of glory, the embrace of glory, the embodiment of my glory.

For she sees not that which she lacks, only the goodness that has been poured into her lap.

As your mother said of her “we just love …..” She was so confident in the gift that I had given you, that she could give up that which mattered so much to that which would give so much more.

For how can I experience loss, when I have gained so much!
For to look upon her, is to love her.
I love the way she walks.
I love the way she talks.
I love the way she looks.
I love the way she moves.
No wonder the enemy seeks to bind her up with the heaviest chains.

Yet I intend to make a mockery of his plans.

I intend to hold him up for ridicule.

For do not be dismayed at the sight of their faces, for all you will see is the dismay that is engraved upon their faces.

Reflect my goodness, reflect my kindness, reflect my confidence, pour out my love and affection, release my love and affection.

For evil shall be overcome with good.

For what is it you see now?

The pouring of icing upon the cake, a special sauce, bathed in the light, glowing in the light, glowing by the light, aglow with the light of your goodness.

Can you not feel the contention!

For I am contending with that which contends with you.

I am releasing the breaker to break every chain.

For pain shall not bind her.

For when she is pressed down.

For when she is under pressure.

This is just a sign of what is to come.

For the one who has given so much, without measure, time and time again, will receive an overflow of all my goodness, pressed down, and overflowing in her lap.

For the appointed time is near.

The time of the appointment is here.

For the least shall inherit the most.

For I know the basis of your appointment.

I have knowledge of your exploits.

I know the plans I had for you, and have for you.

For they have no idea how to handle you both.

You don’t fit their box.

For you were meant to break the box, to draw outside the lines, to bring colour to the empty space.

For I have set before you the wide open space.

For what looks so empty now, is designed for special occasions, for the demonstration of joy and celebration, for the invitation of special guests, for those of royal descent.

Song of Songs 2:4
He brought me to the banqueting house, and his banner over me was love [for love waved as a protecting and comforting banner over my head when I was near him].

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Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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