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So Precious

So Precious.

Where upon.

Upon where.

Show me where.

Take me to where.

Show me where it hurts.

Take me to the place of hurt.

Can I touch you there?

Will you give your hurt to me?

I can handle it.

No need to be delicate with it.

I am happy to clean up your mess.

Allow me.

Permit me.

Permit me to come.

Allow me to come.

Open the door and let me in.

Allow me.

I am able to do it.

Let me do it for you.

Release it to me.

Let go of it.

Just let go of it.

Place it in my hands.

Leave it with me.

Just leave it to me.


I have the capacity.

I am qualified.

I possess the requisite skills.

No need to give me instruction.

No need for any guided process.

I am able to guide myself.

I can figure it out.


You can trust me with that which is most precious.

Is she not so precious to me!

For upon her I will release my glory.


Robed in glory, glistening in my glory, reflecting my glory, showcasing my glory, illuminating all around her.

For those in intense darkness, requiring intensive care, shall be drawn to her light, bathed in my glory, reflecting my image, sparkling above and beneath. My power on display.

For in her I will display my power. The warmth of my power. My adoration, reflecting the one that I adore. Adorned with my radiance on display.

My fiery ember, my radiant heat, my soothing balm, my anointing oil drips of her.

The thought of losing her is too much for me to bear. For to her hold her is to embrace your love.

From glory to glory, it shall be glorious.

Rise up.

An uprising.

An uplift.

An elevation.

A manifestation.

Can you not see it?

For the time of her rising is here.

Head and shoulders above.

Above and beyond.

For her enthusiasm is so powerful, driving higher and higher, bursting forth, her exuberance beyond your grasp.

How can this be?

For I have set her apart for my glory, a special covering, an elevated position, far above and beyond all you can imagine.

Upon a pedestal.

Occupying the highest place. Robed in splendour. Radiant with my glory.

For your heart rises at the thought of what she will say, what word will be uttered from her lips, what declaration she will make.

For my word rises upon her lips, my heart upon her sleeve, my desire, an expression of all that I desire.

Chosen for such a time as this…



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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