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Smoke and Mirrors

Updated: Jul 25, 2021

Smoke and Mirrors

You think that where there is smoke there is fire, but your enemy is only blowing smoke.

For my holy fire leaves no smoke.

It is an all consuming fire.

My intent is to burn down your enemies camp.

Raining fire.

Burning fire.

All consuming fire.

It is time to get fired up.

As the sparks fly upward.

We are going up higher.

Higher and higher.

Take the high ground.

For I am pulling you up to higher ground.

Rising higher and higher.

For you shall bounce back.

For the downward pressure shall only cause you to rise higher.

The ups and downs will only cause you to bounce higher.

For I am elevating your position.

Causing you to rise.

For I will cause that which is heavy to float.

For that which causes you to sink, shall cause you to rise.

For it shall be electrifying.

It is time to suit up.

It is time to take upon yourself my mantle.

For what right does the peasant have to fight on behalf of the king?

Is this not conferred upon him.

For the one who kneels before me shall arise.

He who refuses to bow shall be utterly destroyed.

For what comes against you shall go before you.

For the one who has no direction just goes around and around in circles.

It is time to direct the flow.

Have I not laid it out for you?

The path of the flow. The path that flows. The path that reflects the flow.

For I have trimmed the edges for you.

I have defined the edge for you.

It is only a path to the one who is able to walk on water.

To the one in the know it has great depth.

To the one lacking insight it reflects the ordinary.

To the one it appears like a mirage.

To another it looks real.

For another it is not as it seems.

Yet to step onto it is the full experience.

One sinks the other makes rapid progress.

You wonder how you will make progress on that which is fluid.

Just come for a walk with me, I’ll show you how.

It is the power of my presence.

It is the power of your presence.

For I have given you great power.

Power to pull up and power to plant.

Act like you trust me.

Agree with me and walk in it.

Agree with me and walk into it.

Agree with me and step into it.

Agree with me and it shall be as you desire.

Reflect upon this.

Reflect my reflection.

How do you see yourself?

Am I not your mirror?



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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