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It’s so much bigger than you expect.

You hold the tiny thing in your hand pondering the smallness of it.

Like the tiny pin head.

Like a speck of something.

Hundreds and thousands.

Like the sprinkling of the smallest thing.

But I have given you the hand of a giant.

For this is no small thing.

Say unto your self “my haven’t I grown!”

For the big thing I have put in your hand appears to you to be the smallest thing. Almost insignificant, yet is so significant.

For this is no small thing.

Just a seed.

Just a seed ready to burst forth and multiply.

What you consider to be a tiny speck is to others a giant boulder. A giant obstacle in their path.

But you hold it in your hand like it is nothing.

You can feel the weight of it. You sense it carries much weight. So light in your hand but yet carrying so much weight.

Like eggs awaiting the time of their birth.

For you hand is merely the nest, the nursery, the nurturing place, the launching pad.

For my goodness shall not be contained but shall inhabit the high places.

But then what is it you hear?

The sound of a bell ringing across the land.

Yes this is the end of this round. This is the end of the match.

It is time to take off the gloves.

It is time to take off the gloves.

It is time to take off the gloves.

For the battle is over.

For the battle is over.

For I see you in the spotlight.

For I have placed you in the spotlight.

For there you sit in spotlight.

A beacon shining upon you in the midst of the darkness.

A huge crowd of witnesses sitting in silence their mouths wide open in awe and wonder. Afraid to take a breath least they miss the moment.

The sweat pouring from your pores now you have paused.

They can see it in the mist, in their midst.

The light shining upon the edge.

And their they see you taking the gloves off, and breathing in the air with abundance and confidence.

You can feel the tension in the air, for they know what just happened.

And yet you are just caught up in the moment.

And you sit there unlacing your gloves.

And then you look up to see this huge spectacle, a giant so big that is as he lies there in the ring his ankles overflow the edge of the ring.

And you just smile knowing that you enemy lies at your feet never to get up again.

As you rise again, the crowd is in awe of you and wonder what power it is you possess. They go to take a step back, but you step forward to shake their hand or to embrace them with warmth and kindness.

Welcome to the undefeated champion.

For you can now step forward with expectation of overwhelming victory.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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