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A grand display.

A great unveiling.

An unexpected exposure.

A revealing moment of revelation.

Fear not for I have you covered.

Yet I command you to expose yourself!

A mighty revelation of power.

A grand display of my affection.

A moment of truth.

Don’t be shy about it, for I will not be shy about my affection for you.

You hate with a passion, a great level of disgust rises within you when you see the pretentious one puffing their chest.

Like a giant peacock manifesting themselves and showing off.

Worst still you hate it when they put their love on display and propose to their beloved in a public forum. Giving them no choice but to say yes or suffer the embarrassment of a “no”.

Yet it is not presumptive to put on a show, to provoke a public display of my affection.

For you can take me for granted.

I’m happy to put on a show.

Have I not given you the eyes of Elisha! And the power of Elijah!

Did he not do enjoy taking on his opponent? Did he not provoke them to put on a great performance!

Did he not mock their pretence!

Did he not say unto them “where is your God, perhaps he is asleep?”

Did he not give them more time to rise to the occasion?

Did he not put me on the spot?

Did he not make it “harder” for me? Is anything too hard for me?

What it not a great moment of momentum?

Did he show any fear or concern or give me a way out?

What was his “plan B”?

Now I want you to put me on the spot.

Feel free to put me in the spotlight.

For what is the point of strength if it is not proven?

What is the point of the fancy armour of you don’t go to war?

What is the point of being a “David” if you stay the shepherd boy?

For I have chosen you.

I have appointed you.

I will promote you.

Fear not for I am with you.

For my power rises in you. My anointing flows upon you.

I have called you to release me.

For who can take freedom captive?

It it is locked up it only brings freedom to the prison and the prisoners and the warden and the city and the country.

Who cares about a lockdown, I care about freedom.

Say unto he that rules, let my people go.

Are you not a ruler?

Let my people go.

Let my power flow.

For I am going to blow your mind. I am blowing on your mind.

It is time to exercise my power.

Release your potential.

For now is the time of ignition. Be my fire starter.

I intend to burn down the enemies camp.

Be without fear.

Be with great presumption.

For before you call I will answer.

You know what I am talking about.

Can you feel the shaking.

For the ground breaks open before you.

Reflect my glory, for you can rely on me to be glorious.

For the latter glory shall far exceed the former glory.

It shall pale into insignificance that which was before, that which was former, for now that which is new has come.

For anyone that comes after you shall fall before you.

For it is time to unveil the seed.

For first the produce, then the reproduction.

First the seed then the unveiling of the seed, the blossoming of the flower.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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