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The great pains of the promise.




You look at the order of magnitude, but I look at the magnitude of the order.

You look at the size, I look at the one making the order.

For the order of the king impacts the whole kingdom.

The outcome is the product of the order.

For the order does the work, performs the work, declares the outcome before it arrives.

For your words describe your future.

If you speak about what you see with your natural eyes, you bring alarm to yourself, you agitate yourself, you withdraw yourself.

If you declare my words, my promises, my outcomes, my intent, my vision, you bring alarm to your enemy, his friends, his warriors, and cause them to fallback.

Will you be like the servant trembling at the sight of the enemy who surrounds the tent, or be like Elisha who sees things differently, and declares a different outcome?

Speak these words “there are more on our side than theirs”

Call forth my army of fire.

Announce the presence of my army!

For I am the one who goes before you.

Stop disqualifying yourself!

Stop dissing your qualifications, have I not called you!

For you could only laugh as the pastor laid hands on you, in the context of the giving of gifts, for what did he say of you?

Man of many talents, it will be a shocking time, like a defibrillator bringing forth another gift from its dormant state.

Sorry not sorry!

For you know what I am saying.

For I am bringing you back to life.

One shock after another.

For I have taken you back.

I have taken you aback.

To a vision of years ago, to the time where you attempted to draw what I showed you, such a long time ago.

A flashback, to a flash forward, to a fast forward!

Here let me help you describe it again…

Lying on an operating table, yet without cables, without the hospital garments, wearing your natural clothes. Surrounded by surgeons on all sides. Shock after shock, wave after wave. Yet you are not dead! With each pulse, with each charge, with each shock, with each wave, you become more and more powerful, for my power shines brightly within you. For your eyes once dark, now shine brightly like the sun, radiating my glory, declaring the power I have placed within you.

I declared these words then “What would kill any other man, will just make you stronger!” And now they have come to pass.

For like the waves that came against Samson, they come after you, yet each and every one shall be defeated.

For it is easy to see the strength of Samson, yet he was all powerful, did not grow weary until the enemy had fled in despair and with exhaustion. For the one shall wear out the many. The one shall overpower the many.

In the place of great victory, in the place of the abject defeat of his enemy, surrounded by the bodies of his slain enemy, bathed in the blood of his enemy, in the place of the bloodbath, he cried out to me.

You see it now, you feel it now, for there you stand in the bloodbath.

Your enemy tries to convince you that you were the one defeated, that it is your blood that rests upon you. Yet this is not so.

He wants to refer you, he wants to be your reference, your source of information, to be the one who narrates your past.

He would have you think when you look upon your awards, that they were times long past, and long forgotten, or that you lack the will, the skill, the desire to do that again.

His purpose is to have you disqualify yourself.

Like Bruce Banner no longer wanting to be the Hulk.

But you cannot change who I have made you to be.

For you are the mighty one, the powerful one, the strong one, the victorious one, the undefeated one, my chosen one, my champion.

He wants you to see yourself as weak, without power, like Clark Kent, he wants to convince you that you have lost your mojo, but tell him this…

You are fooling only yourself!

For Samson cried out to me and I broke open the empty place, to bring forth my fullness, to quench his thirst, and in a moment, in an instant his strength returned to me.

Ask me to break open the empty place, the hollow place and to bring forth my fullness again.

Yes Lord I ask you to bring forth your fullness in the place of lack, pour out your refreshing fulness to us and all those in need. Bring forth a supernatural healing for my beloved, give her overflowing joy, absence of pain, renewed strength, confidence, power, enthusiasm, a lightness to her every step.

For this is the time of the times, picture this….

The old man Moses, so weak that his friends had to lift his arms for him, yet in raising HIS hands they could see the tangible victory over their enemy.

For your posture is more powerful than your strength.

When he comes at you, just REFER him to me!

When he wants you to DEFER, just REFER him to me.

When he tempts you to INFER an impossible outcome, just suit up, put on your golden suit of armour, show him the legions of angels that I have sent you!

Take back your confidence, act like you are the general in my army, when you say charge we are with you!

For you are not alone in this battle, we are with you!

Say unto yourself “I am is with me!”

Say it again “I AM is with me!”

For I intend to utterly destroy your opponent.

For I care not for the order of magnitude, only for the one who gives the order!

What is your order!

Ask of me and I will give you the nations!

Let it be as you have said! Restore unto us our fortune, our health, our strength, our resolve, let us be called the fortunate ones, the power couple, the bastion of kindness, the place of safety, the victorious ones, the enlightened ones, the resource, the source, the capable ones, the innovators, the confident ones, the triumphant ones, the multipliers, the ones who have the edge, let them be drawn to our light, to your light the radiance of your beauty. Clear the path, make straight paths for our feet. Show us the way forward, carry us forward.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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