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For you can see the scratches.

The grooves in the concrete.

The marks in the rock.

The engraving in that which is so hard.

For I have given you evidence of movement.

For what was there, is no longer there, for I have moved it!

You think that you have misplaced yourself.

You went looking for yourself, but could not find where you went.

You thought you were absent.

You had marked yourself absent.

You didn’t show up for the roll call.

When your name was called you were marked absent.

For in the process of finding yourself, you had lost yourself.

You were playing hide and seek.

You found yourself counting to 3, giving yourself time to hide.

But you just kept counting.

You wanted to count yourself out.

You did not want to be present.

You had wrapped up the gift.

You covered it over and buried it in the dirt.

It’s like you sit in the dark pit, wondering where the light went, and yet you were the one who switched it off!

Yet my light shines upon you still.

For this light.

For this light.

For this light cannot be extinguished.

This light has no man made source.

For this light manifests by divine power.

You feel it in your bones.

You feel it flowing through your veins.

You feel it rising up within you.

For my light rises upon you.

My light causes you to rise.

My light is uplifting.

For my glory draws you near.

My light enlightens you.

My light, lightens you.

My light brings light.

My light shines.

My light radiates.

My light is evidence of my word.

For there would only be darkness unless I had spoken the word “light”.

For my light beckons you.

For my light is a beacon to you.

My light draws you in.

My light attracts you to come forward.

My light is a spotlight for you.

My light calls to you.

For my light contains my power.

My light is evidence of my word.

My light is evidence of my presence, my kindness, my voice, my embrace, my illumination, my revelation, my unveiling.

For without sight, there is no insight, no foresight.

Yet I lead the blind by ways they no not, upon unfamiliar paths I guide them.

Let the eyes of your heart be enlightened.

See by my light, come into my light.

For I am both the originator of light, and the creator of the eye that receives it.

I am both the creator and the receiver, the means to receive it.

I uttered the word and then gave you ears to hear it.

I am both the point of origin and the destination.

I am the way, the means to start, to go, and to get there.

For you shall be the first to walk this well worn path.

When you see a land full of rocks and streams, and can’t see the way forward, you want to say “off course.”

But I command you to say “of course”, to stay “on course”, for I am making a way where there is no way, streams of living water in the desert.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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