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What is it you see?

The grains of the sand moving as the wind blows upon them.

What is it you feel?

A change in the atmosphere.

Look again. What is it you see?

The mist falling all around as I departed.

How did this make you feel?

An ease invading the contention, the challenge, the tension.

Is this not my handiwork on display?

And look closer, open your eyes again, open the eyes of your heart.

What is it you see?

The tearing of the veil between us as he continued you speak.

It was my doing.

All you could do was smile as he continued to speak.

He had said that he tends to push forward his point, and told his children to put their hand up and cut him off if he kept on about it.

You could feel it in the atmosphere.

A shift.

You wanted to stand up, you wanted to interrupt, you wanted to interject, you wanted to intervene.

But he showed no sign of taking a breath.

You just wanted to say one word SELAH!

Yet you could see my hand at work, as he spoke.

You could feel the shift within and without.

And then there it was…

I put my words on his lips…

The unforced rhythms of grace…

Your spirit leapt within you.

You felt the shift.

From that moment you could see the shift.

Yet you still wanted to turn back, to turn away, to go back, to fall back, to bury yourself amidst the sand.

I was like you were digging in the sand looking for water.

What makes you think you will find water in the dry and barren place?

For I have an adversion to reversion.

Why revert.

What caused you to turn away?

Why go back?

Why would the butterfly seek to crawl again?

For you want to trade your fire, for the blanket of acceptance.

You feel it again and again, it was called honour but it was really the pressure to accept.

For how can you honour that which limits?

Am I not the God without limit?

What is the point of measuring the container when my intention is to break it?

It seems that there is much fumbling around in the darkness?

Who needs a light switch?

Are you not my light?

These words echo in your ears over and over…

How dark is it where you are? My darkness is more intense than yours. Who switched out the light? Can we have another conversation about the darkness.

Have I not called you to shine?

You want to take the shine off. You want to rub out the shine. You want to go back to your red raw self.

Come with strength again, break through again….

Yet I have broken your shell.

Your old self lies broken before you.

For I have broken that which contains.

Look again what is it you see?

Fresh water flowing across the dry desert sand, rising higher and higher like a fountain bubbling up all around.

Have you not heard? Have you not seen? Your eyes are open but your perception is off.

Don’t look down for your answer.

Don’t consult the darkness when you are looking for light.

You keep saying to your self…

If I could only feel your presence, if I could only be in the right atmosphere, if they could only provide an opportunity, if they would only allow me to speak. They talk so much about acceptance, yet they make no room for me…

Yet you make no room for me…

Is anything too hard for me?

It’s like you go looking for the red button to nuke them and wonder why you have no opportunity.

Yet when you ask me, when you seek me, do I not move on your behalf.

It’s like you have put yourself in hand cuffs and thrown away the key.

Yet it was such a simple thing for me…

You opened the door, expecting more of the same.

Yet in a moment, in an instant everything changed.

You felt the mist upon your face, open your hands, upon your head.

I call it the invasion of gentleness, yet it transforms everything.

Uncontrolled, uncontained, your love is burning bright for me.

I’m not phased by your actions, but I’m ready to act.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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