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Broken through...

Wound up so tight.

Beyond the point.

Over the point.

Sick of the point.

Tired to a point.

Exhausted to a point.

Can’t even make a point.

What is the point?

I can’t remember the point?

What was the point again?

Please repeat your point?

I’m not sure I even want to hear it, for it will be an action point.

Can I just have an inaction point!

A place of rest.

A full stop, not a comma?

The tension invades within and without.

I can no longer find myself.

I keep going around in circles looking for myself, but I’m unable to.

And what is it you keep showing me!

The muddy water, and now the rain!

So frustrating, so limiting, I am over the restraint, the constraints, the limitations, the impositions, the call to action!

Thanks for expressing yourself, I know you needed to get that off your chest.

Am I not the answer to your question?

For now is the time of dispersal. The time of the scattering. The time of the full expression of my fullness. The bursting forth.

For you are beyond the point of containment, of confinement. Up until now your seed has been in the place of confinement, of incubation, of darkness, of constriction, of multiplication, of reproduction, of conception, of gathering, of coming together, of forming, of growing.

Yet now is the time of the birthing.
It’s like you want to comb the babies hair, and give him a wash before presenting him to the world.
Yet this not how I roll. My roll out is not pretty.
My birthing process is painful. The very act breaks something, for the waters break first.Yet this is no accident, it is by design, it is a sign that birth is imminent.
First the mess, then the miracle. The baby may not look pretty, but first the birth, then the cleaning up.
For I know what is important, I know what it shall become. For it is not a first draft and then discarded. It is a first version that contains all the necessary elements of the last version. For this that is birthed, contains everything necessary to grow and blossom.
Does the seed look like the flower?

No Lord

Yet it contains all that is needed to blossom and grow.
What is the muddy water a sign of?
What does the muddy water represent?
For you need an adjustment to your perspective.
For clarity is not found in the water, but in the source, in the spring, in the downpour, in the point of origin. Indeed how does the water look in the river after it has rained?

It is brown and muddy, and anything but clear.

You are disturbed by that which disturbs, and yet this is a good news story. For there is no growth without water. For how does the seed multiply and produce an abundant harvest?

It is first dispersed.

Is not the seed carried in the semen? Is not the seed carried by the water?
First dispersal, then fertilisation, then conception, then multiplication in the place of confinement, then when it is fully grown, it must be birthed.
But it is not birthed fully grown, fully mature, no it matures out in the open, away from restriction and confinement, away from the body which conceived it.
Yet it resembles that which birthed it. From one point of origin to another point of origin. The parent resembling the grandparent, the child resembling the parent. All in my image, yet you know from whence you came, and from whom you came.

All this tension, all this confinement has a purpose?

Yes to manifest a glorious purpose, a glorious monument to my glory.

Isaiah 54:3
For you will spread abroad to the right hand and to the left; and your offspring will possess the nations and make the desolate cities to be inhabited.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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