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This is what breakthrough feels like.

I have broken that which contained you.

Containment no more, restriction no more, barriers broken, boundaries extended.

I have broken the chains, I have removed the binding, for you were always bound to be free.

I have shattered the ceiling, it’s pieces fall at your feet.

Now the rain comes, you stand there with your hand open striving to catch a drop, and yet there is so much you cannot contain.

I have broken that which contains, no more containment, no more containers, for there shall be more than you can contain.

The moss grows in the damp conditions, as evidence of the rain, rest your hands upon it, feel the moisture, feel the presence of that which was absent.

This is what fullness feels like, no more dryness, no more irritation, soft, damp, full of my fullness.

Fear not for I am with you!

That which was rough shall be smooth, rest your hand upon the wall, draw new patterns, for there shall be softness where you expect it to be hard.

I’m breaking established patterns.

New patterns shall form at my command, as a result of the breakthrough.

This is new, for I have broken the old.

Suddenly that which stood in your way, is shattered and falls at your feet.

Look at the new pattern before you, new pathways, new perspectives.

You stand there trying to piece together that which I have broken. You struggle with the new, with the loss of the familiar.

You try to rebuild that which I have broken.

There is no going back, for this is the era of freedom!

No longer bound, move without restriction, shake off that which was broken, for it is of no value.

Possess the new, hold fast to the promise!

If I was with you in the valley, shall I not be with you on the mountain?

Did I not say, make yourself at home?

Did I not say, make yourself comfortable?

Be comfortable with the new, enjoy the unfamiliar, get used to abundance!

For any loss is evidence of what is to be gained. Have I not proven myself!

Is this not the season where you expect to be robbed, and then there is fullness of gain beyond your expectation.

Let go of the loss, seriously let go of the loss, for there is much to be gained.

I want you to experience freedom!

You move with the expectation of confinement, move with the expectation that there is no obstacle to my path.

You come back to the edge, where the water overflowed, but you know there is no turning back. For your feet stand on the land that I have promised, they cannot be removed, you are already standing on the promise, there is no turning back.

Step over the broken pieces, possess the new, establish new patterns, walk upon new paths, get comfortable with the new.

New is not to be feared, it is to be grasped, it is for your good, fear not the loss, hold on, let’s go for a ride.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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