Over and over, more and more.
Over and over, more and more.
When you walk through the valley of the shadow, at some point you need to come out of the shadows.
For it dawns on you now.
For it rises upon you now.
For it burns within you now.
For glows upon you now.
For it radiates upon you now.
For it shines upon you now.
From darkness into the light.
From darkness enter into the light.
For it dawns upon you now.
For it rises upon you now.
Fresh exposure.
From the hidden place to the showcase.
From the shadows into the light.
From the depressed and prostrate place, to the place of the rising.
For it burns within you.
For the brightness of your rising causes the darkness around you to shake.
The shattering of the enemies plans.
The overthrow of that which rests in darkness.
The burning within, must flow without.
From the hidden place, to the pedestal.
From the lowly place to the high place.
For this is no ordinary resurrection, this is a glorious transformation.
For in the birthing.
For in the place of the birthing, there is a flutter, there is a restlessness, there is movement.
For the one is pushed out, the other bursts forth.
The one comes forth from another.
Yet the transformed rises from the incubator of its own making.
From that which is made, to that which is transformed.
For that which was made, was only temporary, was only meant for a temporary purpose. A means to a different end.
An incubator.
A creative device.
A means to establish that which is new.
A vehicle of transformation.
For I see you checking yourself to find what is missing, and yet give no thought to that which has been renewed.
For why focus on your weakness, when I have given you my strength?
For you must push through the pain.
For the push gives you strength for that which is to come.
How does the butterfly rise, unless it has strength in its wings?
For the unfurling is at first constrained, and then once strength is developed, the flapping is easy.
Elevation comes from the stretch, from the unfurling, from the unwrapping.
For that which is contained, provides no means of movement, no means of elevation, nothing but stillness, nothing but restriction.
For that which once kept you hidden, now must be displayed.
I see you are caught in the midst of what was and what is to come.
For at first there is movement in the cocoon, in the place that looked more like a tomb, more like a resting place, more like a place of darkness, more like a place that you don't return from.
From the hidden place, from the covered place, I am stirring movement.
For you will break free from the shackles of the past.
For it is time to come out of the shadows.
For your enemy wants to keep you in the darkness, to cover you in darkness, to bathe you in darkness, to wrap you in darkness, to draw you in darkness, to keep you hidden and afraid to come out.
Yet it is time to leave the cocoon.
It is time to come out.
It is time to rise and shine, for it shall be glorious.
For I am calling you forth.
Come out from the depths of despair, from the depths of depression, from the place where you have prepared for yourself, for it is time to come out into the light.
For I am wiping away the mud and the mire.
I am giving you a new means to progress.
I am charting your way forward.
For you will lead them out.
For I am placing my words upon your lips.
For I see you struggling to know what to say and what to do, for the further you get into the light, the more unfamiliar the path.
But did I not perform miracles for you in the days of long ago?
Did I not open doors into the castles of the rich and influential.
For you possess something they all lack.
For you are my gift to them.
For I will cause you to have influence like never before.
What you proclaim you shall obtain.
For I have gone before you.
For my word is a lamp and light to your feet.
For I have chosen you for this purpose.
For this is no ordinary path.
I see you pondering how others do it, and yet I have appointed you to be the forerunner.
"I didn't come here to hide in the crowd."
For you shall obtain what you proclaim.
For this new territory is without limit, is without boundary...
"No ceiling!"
For you are not who you once were.
For you have lost weight, you possess that which is necessary for flight, the means to make progress in this new era.
Allow me to speak for you.
Send forth my words.
"Let there be light"