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In the valley of the shadow.

Stepping out of the shadows.

From the darkness, into the light.

From the veiling to the unveiling.

From the place of intense pain, to the place of the promise.

From the place of the cutting, to the place of wholeness.

From the bloody mess, to the place of strength.

How is it that you feel?

I feel only by your grace Lord, I feel the absence of so much pain, and yet the sense of sadness remains.

I feel like I have be plucked out from all that I have known, to dwell in the place of the unknown.

I want to take a step back, I want to stand back, to withdraw, to keep to myself, to just keep a part of myself.

Yet I am pushing you forward, I am leading you out, to the place that is away, to the place that is far off, far away, beyond all that you could imagine.

I feel wrapped up so tightly, so tightly held by your embrace I cannot breathe. And yet you still take my breath away, you compel me to come away.

For I have led you away, not astray!

For how will they know the way, unless you tell them?

You need to write your manifesto about what is to come, you need to extol of the virtues of all that you have discovered, and all that you have uncovered, and all that you have recovered.

Shake off all the definitions of man, for this is indeed a defining moment.

Express not your frustrations, express all my delight.

Show them what you are capable of.

Show them what you are now capable of.

Say unto them "why would you not want to come away from all that overwhelms?"

Say unto them "why would you not want help with that?"

For they do not want to be embarrassed?

For they do not know how to proceed.

What have I shown you that you have not yet articulated?

A bright shining light, shining so brightly it pervaded and overwhelmed all that it illuminated.

You are so far ahead of them, on the edge of the horizon, stepping out of view, beyond the edge.

And they do not know how to follow you.

Show them the path, describe it for them.

Show them a destination, a possibility, the manifestation of a possibility.

Describe for them what is possible.

Then ask them to pay you to take them there.

The intellectuals will need the substance, the statistics, the studies.

Those who are more practical will need to see the practical benefits.

Show them the before and after.

Show them what is possible.

From idea to concept, to storyboard, to the story, to being part of the story.

Showcase the wow.

Show them the wow.

What is it you see now?

The kid playing in the chemistry lab, mixing chemicals with great delight, and then seeing the explosive nature of the new mix.

Show them your creativity.

Show them how they can be so much more creative.

Show them the value of creativity.

Show them an office before this new thing, and now show them what the outcomes now look like.

For even your son, who can actually build these things, knows not the full extent of what they can practically do.

Show them I had this problem, this is how I approached it before, now this is what my new workflow looks like.

Animate it for them, describe it to them, give them only a taste of the how, but show them the what, and the outcomes of the what.

Break off any sense of limitation.

Get the word out.

Say unto them "behold the new is here!"

Say unto them "a new era has arrived!"

Tell them there is now a way to make their dream a reality.

Be bold and courageous.

For you have seen and are experiencing the benefits.

Be the forerunner.

Show them the why and the what, and they will pay for the how.

Did I not say you will be the means to their end?

Say unto them "awake from your slumber."

Say unto them "their is hope, for hope holds its hand out to you."

It is time to come out of the shadows.

It is time to step into the light.

It is time to shine my light into their darkness.

It is time to engage.

It is time to connect and build connections, to reach out, to bring the new mix, the remix.

It is time to step on to the platform again.

I have sent you back only to deliver them, only to lead them from the darkness into the light.

What is mundane to you, is profound to them.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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