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Set up

How are you doing? She said. Come right in, I have set it up all ready for you.

“I did not expect that, I did not anticipate that, I did not call for that, this was not what I ordered, it was just your kindness.”

“Even before, just before, I found myself in a tight spot, the parking spot was so very tight. As I wrestled and jostled for the right position, an easy spot became available right in front of me, and I heard you say….”

Here take this spot, I have provided a more suitable position, a substitute position, a comfortable position, an easy position.

For I have set you up.

Seriously I have set you up.

I have prepared this in advance.

I anticipated every move.

Really, it is all in the timing, it is all on time for me, nothing is every late for me, for I anticipate EVERY movement.

The precise movement, like a dance, for I love to dance, perfectly choreographed, perfectly synchronised, down to the last step, yet from the first step.

I even account for the fall, the slip, the slip up, the mistake, the forgetfulness, the having to go back to get the gate, to open the gate, the slow car in front of you, the plodder slowing you up, the one holding you back.

Do not be alarmed, for you need no alarm, when the appointed time occurs, you will be awake, alert, ready, equipped, relaxed, and enjoying yourself.

For when you are on holiday, you set no alarm, you feel no pressure to rise.

For there is no pressure to rise.

No need to get puffed up. For when the temperature is just right, your elevation will come.

For the pastry exerts no effort to rise, it just responds to the environment.

For you were designed to rise, you were appointed to rise, your elevation is appointed.

I gave you a picture of it early.

This was your first vision, you just did not know it. From the beginning I set you up.

In the womb I knit you together, I designed you for this moment, I shaped you to be the key that unlocks.

Why so surprised you now find yourself at the door?

Are you not the key?

For I have designed you to be unique, to unlock that which cannot be opened by another.

You see it now don’t you?

The multitudes running towards me. Yet I find myself with my back against the wall with no way of escape. In my hand I find a key that opens a hidden door. But rather than run away to escape that which comes against me, I find myself showing them the door, leading them through the door.

Don’t you see the way is hidden from them!

Don’t you see that they know not the way!

They are missing the point.

For I have revealed to you the way.

You want to show them the door and tell them to get out!

Yet I want you to show them the way, seriously show them a better way.

Show them my door, show them my path.

Is this not my reserved path?

Is this not the vision that has impacted you the most?

Yes Lord I tell everyone I am tired, yet you have made me weak at the knees. I am struggling to stand, I am struggling to walk, for I have seen your goodness, I have felt your kindness, I have seen your glory. How can it be that you have made a way? More still you have made MY WAY, you have crafted a way that has MY NAME written all over it. Each stone with my name on it, each stone designed to take me out, and yet you have set my path IN STONE, you have established my path, established my way.

Why so surprised that you find yourself against the wall, in the place of uncertainty, doors opening all around you?

What do you think this is all about?

You know the answer Lord, for you have already put the words upon my lips.

Tell them where to go!

Literally tell them where to go.

Tell them where to go, and how to get there.

Show them the door.

Show them the way.

Was this not foretold?

Is it not my way or the highway?

Is this not a path that I have established for many to follow you?

You act so surprised that in this season, everyone looks to you for direction!

Those that were against you are now for you.

Those that you could not work with before, now call you to help you, now call you asking for instructions.

You need not be concerned.

Seriously just abandon all concern.

Leave you concerns at the door.

Literally leave your concerns at the door.

Just show them the way, have I not given you the words to say?

Where you are without words, I have given you the wordsmith.

When you go with the word, can you return with lack?

For my word shall not return void, shall not come back with nothing, but shall perform all that I have sent it to accomplish.

Now you know, now you know, now you know what I have given you.


For all will say “MY WORD”, “what a word”, “yes that sums it up perfectly”, they will hang off every word.

You pause and hold yourself back, for you wonder what you will say, yet how may times, how many times, how many times, I WILL SAY IT AGAIN – HOW MANY TIMES!!!!!

You mess me up Lord!

How many times….

How many times…


When you asked me to put my words on your lips, have I ever failed to do so?


Is this something that you testify to often?

You know the answer Lord. For I just spoke of this, saying how I had been to so many meetings, where I would have to walk my wife afterwards how it went, and she would say it was amazing, and I would say I don’t remember what I said for it must have been you speaking.

“Oh your love will never fail me, Oh your love will never fail”

My son, my son I want you to get this message, engrave it upon your heart and mind.

Today this day, I have made you a mighty fortress, a mighty fortress, a fortress of great power and strength, I have given you power that NO HOSTILE force can overcome. Go out and say all that I have commanded you to say. For I have given you power and authority. I have given you the answer. You are the answer to their question.

Have I not called you? Have I not equipped you? Have I not given you great power, authority, wisdom and might?

Jeremiah 1:17-19 But you Jeremiah, gird up your loins! Arise and tell them all that I command you. Do not be dismayed and break down at the sight of their faces, lest I confound you before them and permit you to be overcome. For I, behold, I have made you this day a fortified city and an iron pillar and bronze walls against the whole land—against the successive kings of Judah, against its princes, against its priests, and against the people of the land giving you divine strength which no hostile power can overcome. And they shall fight against you, but they shall not finally prevail against you, for I am with you, says the Lord, to deliver you.

Now I will give you great stature!

Yes that is the right word, great stature.

Luke 2:40 And the Child grew and became strong in spirit, filled with wisdom; and the grace (favor and spiritual blessing) of God was upon Him.

For you shall say “My haven’t I grown!” And they will say “he grew in wisdom and in favour with God and man.”

Nevertheless at your word, by your word, by the power of the word.

And the word came and said…

Isaiah 4:5-6 And the Lord will create over the whole site, over every dwelling place of Mount Zion and over her assemblies, a cloud and smoke by day and the shining of a flaming fire by night; for over all the glory shall be a canopy (a defense of divine love and protection). And there shall be a pavilion for shade in the daytime from the heat, and for a place of refuge and a shelter from storm and from rain.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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