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Bruised and beaten.

Crying in pain, until you could cry no more.

Exhausted, spent, beyond your ability to bear.

Struggling to breathe.

Lying there on the floor.

Resting in darkness.

Chained to the darkness.

Bleeding in the darkness.

Bleeding into the darkness.

In hurts to breathe, it hurts to move, it hurts to think of what has happened.

Too much to bear.

How did I get here?
For I have followed you to this place.

The containment of that which was designed to be free.

I know what you feel so on edge.

I know what agitates you.

I know what rises up within you.

I know what causes your body to shake.

For a sound rises within you.

A roar rises within you.

A trembling rises within you.

A terror arises within you.

Like a very loud alarm buzzing and buzzing that is glued to you, that you cannot switch off.

It is a call to arms!

It is a battle cry.

It is an awakening.

It is a roar of victory.

It is the banging of a cymbal.

It is a gong banged with such force the whole land shakes at its sound.

You feel me!


For this is not my intent.

For the choices made were freely made.

I said to them “Whose side are you on!”

And they refused to answer.

They went on with their lives, without consulting me.

And here they have found themselves.

And here they have found themselves in the pit.

And here they have imprisoned themselves in a place, when I gave them the keys to freedom.

I know what you are feeling.

I can see you tossing and turning, like you are wrestling with yourself.

But you refuse to take this lying down.

You refuse to stay down.

You refuse to accept what they find acceptable.

It’s like they have put the devil in the drivers seat and thought they were going on a holiday. But when they awake they find themselves bloodied and bruised and wondering how they got here!

For this was not my choice, but theirs.

Yet my light shines.

Yet my light shines in the darkness.

I need no power source to plug into.

I need nothing from the circumstance, nothing from the environment, no external power, to bring forth my light.

For my light shone so brightly on the road to Damascus that Paul was blinded by it. My light caused him to stop and fall to the ground.

My light forced him to stop kicking against me, stop pushing back against me. I stopped him, so that he would stop going in the wrong direction.

Pray for my light to awaken her, my light to break through into her darkness.

For the light shines in the darkness, and is not overcome by it.

For you feel it now.

At first the gentle tapping, the persistent tapping, the agitation, the irritation.

At first annoying, but after a while SO IRRITATING!

For that which irritates you, that which grates against you, that which is so abrasive to you, that which you can no longer ignore.

What is it you see now?

A giant match being struck against the coarseness of the wall, bursting into flame.

Look again what is it you see?

The pushing up against the wall, the rubbing of my body up against the wall.

For I have set afire deep within your bones.

I am turning up the heat, I am igniting the fuse!

For I know what disturbs you.

For it was I that disturbed you.

For it was I that woke you up.

And I awoke with this vision, driven by angst, driven to the edge, sitting in the vehicle of thunder looking out over the edge. And then my whole body shook and a roar erupted from my lips “Get behind me Satan!” The windows of the car exploded, and a huge earthquake rocked the land before me, as far as my eyes could see!

For I am not cruising along in auto-pilot. I intend to shake this land with my fire!

And you shall be my instrument of fire!

For I am firing you up.

The enemy as placed a suppression order on you.

Your enemy seeks to put a muzzle upon your lips.

He wants you to just accept that it is their choice and to just stand aside as they walk into the pit of destruction.

But it shall not be so.


For I am causing a breach.

For I am breaking up this pattern.

I am stepping into this cycle.

I am putting myself in harms way.

For I shall contend with that which contends with you.

For your spirit aligns with my spirit.

Your thoughts with my thoughts.

Your lips with my lips.

Your words shall be my words.

For my light shines in the darkness.

And you will arise.

And your chains shall fall before your feet.

And I will lead you and I will guide your every step.

Out from the pit of darkness, out from the pit of despair, out from the pit of acceptance, out from the inevitable doom and disaster, out from the place of limitation, out from the chains, out from the place where your enemy dictates your movement, out from the place where he takes you to your death.

I see you walking past the soldiers, without fear, without trepidation, without incident.

For I have made a way for you to move.

I have broken the shackles that bound you.

I have released you from limitation.

For how can fear take captive that which is free?

Only if you submit to being bound?

Yet freedom rises still.

Yet my light shines still.

It is time to take off the covers.

It is time to reveal my light.

It is time to stand in the way, it is time to show a new way, it is time to lead the way.

For you see it now don’t you?

An overlay. For the one - a king bound being dragged to destruction before a throng of his enemies. For another - a king like Samson, walking with strength of a thousand, broadly smiling to all his opponents, like this is a victory parade.

For you are more than a conqueror.

Your enemy trembles as you advance.

The very ground shakes as you walk upon it.

For I am opening doors for you that cannot be closed.

Locked doors shall open before you.

For who can stop the advance of freedom.

Take my hand, my son, and let’s go and do some great exploits!

Not an ordinary story.

Not a man made event.

But a momentous moment of great momentum.

An awe and wonder moment.

For why pull out a knife to fight when I have given you strong weapons of mass destruction?

Do not reserve yourself, for I have reserved this destiny for you, I have made a reservation for you, this appointment only you can fill.

Rise up and take up your position for all that comes against you shall be defeated as you step forward.

Arise and shine for my glory shines upon you, is reflected upon you, announces my presence has fallen upon you.

You have my endorsement.

Do you not see the shift?

Do you not see evidence of the shift.

For the first time in over 10 years did you not here these words

“These meetings are the reason I joined the network, thanks so much for doing such an excellent job….”

And there you wonder what it is all about.

And there you have evidence of the shift.

And there you have but a glimpse of the favour that I have placed upon you.

Expect a giant leap.

Taken aback to this vision “A giant leap frog, from the lowest place to the highest place, in a moment”

Say to your enemy LOOK OUT, for I am rising against him.

My light shines in the darkest place.

In the tomb of death, my light shone.

Do not come to your senses, take hold of my hand and walk as though you are in a vision, as your watch my vision come to pass.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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