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Repeat after me “it was a senseless act!”

It was an act that made no sense.

It was an act that required no sense.

It was a senseless act.

It looks like nonsense.

It feels like….

What does it feel like?

Like a passenger in my own car. Like I am there but I am not there. Like I am present but have no presence.

Yes you are my present but will have presence.

The presence of your presence is overwhelming to me. There I was minding my own business, trying to hold myself back, but you would not allow it. I was like stepping into another realm.

Dripping in sweat and tears, yet your oil flowing down all over me, dripping from my hands, penetrating the driest land all around. Flowing with such intensity that it burst forth like a fountain. But not an ordinary fountain, a fountain carrying my seed.

Yes it was back to front, for you think it is about sowing the seed, burying the seed, then watering the seed, then waiting for it to grow, and then comes the harvest.

But it shall not be an ordinary thing.

For I have placed my harvest in the flow.

First you heard, then you read, now you see, now you understand, now it is revealed unto you.

For the seed is cast onto the waters. It is the seed cast into the flow that brings forth the abundant harvest.

And there you stand alone.

And there you shall make your stand alone.

And there you shall find it.

For the power of the one far exceeds the power of the many.

And there you stand alone.

And you wonder why you feel so alone.

For I have set you apart.

For I have set you up.

For you shall operate in another dimension.

For you will not fit in the place for which I am sending you.

For I have called you to stand out in a crowd.

Not for your embarrassment but for my glory.

For you shall…

For you shall rest….

For you shall rest upon my sword.

For whom shall dare attack you when you carry my sword!

For who shall attack you when you walk with me through the enemies territory.

For you shall be feared no matter what the territory looks like.

Did you not command them to express themselves?

So now why so surprised when I express myself through you?

You fear the falling out as you are falling out.

For what I am doing is so new through you.

Like an explosion of light in the darkness.

For you shall be a source of power for so many.

Could you not feel it?

Like a power grid across the land, yet there were no wires, only your lightning passing through my fingers.

You want to hide yourself, quiet yourself, hold yourself back, yet I am pushing you forward.

Over and over you find yourself out in front, with your hand out, shaking the hand of a stranger.

For I have called you forward.

From now on you shall be called forward.

The opposite of shy.

The one who steps over the line, considers there is no line.

The one who jumps the fence.

The trespasser, the invader, the advancer, the one who shall establish new territory.

For you know it is the work of my hands.

All shall know it is the work of my hands.

For you are the work of my hands.

For you are the work in my hands.

For it comes not to you.

For it comes from you, the harvest comes from your hand.

Now you understand.

What you thought was a season of exile, of isolation, of abandonment, was actually a season of conception, of incubation, of birthing, of manifestation.

For the start of the season was a message called “last night on the boat”, a word that called you out upon the water, that cast you out upon the water.

For you are my seed cast out upon all waters, from which I will reap an abundant harvest.

Isaiah 32:20
Happy and fortunate are you who cast your seed upon all waters [when the river overflows its banks; for the seed will sink into the mud and when the waters subside, the plant will spring up; you will find it after many days and reap an abundant harvest], you who safely send forth the ox and the donkey [to range freely].

Walk with me, talk with me, be with me, allow me to be for you.

Do not come to your senses, for you shall be my author of freedom, the one who brings freedom, the one who demonstrates freedom, who brings forth a harvest of freedom.

For my light shines in the darkness. It is time to get up from that which has hold you down, to walk with me from the place of captivity.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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