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I remember this moment.

A selah moment.

A moment to reflect and ponder.

A moment to pause in wonder.

Not a deer in headlights, but my son looking in awe and wonder.

Ponder this.

Wonder upon this.

Be intrigued.

Be fascinated.

Be curious.

For who can describe wonder?

Who can explain awe?

For one must look upon.

For one must shift their gaze.

Genesis 24:21
The man stood gazing at her in silence, waiting to know if the Lord had made his trip prosperous.

Like the servant gazing upon the beauty of Rebecca and wondering what will happen next.

For it was a moment of wonder.

First the delivery of the messenger.

First the arrival of the one with a message.

Then a response to a request.

A guided response.

An action representing her heart.

For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.

For I gave you the one who cares.

For who can describe the majesty of the one who cares?

Who can know what it means to be cared for?

The one who has everything he needs, and most of all the one who has received so much.

For it was beyond your expectation.

Beyond the result of an expression.

More than what was logical.

More than the product of an equation.

For the two shall become one.

Yet who can define the one let alone the combination of the two!

For it is beyond description, beyond knowing, beyond explanation, beyond definition.

For even to touch her is a mystery.

To hug another is to express warmth and kindness.

To embrace the one you love, is to take hold of wonder, to express wonder, to manifest wonder.

To hold her had, is to take hold of mystery, for you know not where she will take you.

Yet to have and to hold is but a fleeting moment.

A moment of wonder, a moment with, then a moment without.

You gaze upon her beauty from afar, a moment of wonder, a reserved moment, a moment of reservation.

Your heart pushes you forward, but your head holds you back.

“I don’t want to break anything” you say to yourself.

“I don’t want to impose myself” you think to yourself.

A reserved moment.

A moment of hesitation.

A moment of distance.

A moment without sense.

A moment of numbness.

A moment of boundary.

A moment of limitation.

A moment without momentum.

Yet my love will not let you go.

My love spurs you on.

My love is always in pursuit.

My love overflows beyond the boundary line.

For you remember.

I know what you are remembering.

Let’s keep it to ourselves.

An extravagant outpouring of love.

Love without measure.

Love without inhibition.

Reckless love.

The full expression of all my desire.

The boundless evidence of love without boundary.

For my love cannot hold itself back.

What is it you see now?

The broken box, with shards of glass shattered all over the ground, the oil of joy flowing over all that is broken, as your glorious light glistens off the edges. Bathed in glory, the glory of the moment.

For my love knows no bounds.

My love crosses the line.

My love extends beyond all that is normal, or natural.

For in the fullness.

Bathe in the fullness.

Gaze upon her beauty, with awe and wonder.

Thank you for the gift of the one who is so beautiful, beyond measure, beyond description, beyond all that I could possibly desire.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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