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Seeds of Fire

For the sparks will fly.

An explosion of fire.

A multiplication of fire.

A reproduction of fire.

A manifesting of my fire.

Bursting forth all around.

For there shall be works of fire.

There shall be fire works.

Here comes the fire....

As the sparks fly upward. Returning to where they came from.

Sparks flying all around.

Sparks flying from your hands.

The manifestation of my manifesto.

Fear not the fire.

Bring forth my fire.

Light my fire.

For my fire brings warmth, brings heat, brings food and water fit for consumption.

For I have given you my fire.

The sparks are merely my seeds.

The sparks are merely my seeds.

A spark.

A spark that lights my flame.

Was it not my spark that lit your love, that set your love aflame with your beloved.

That moment of knowing.

That moment of connection.

The moment of ignition.

The moment or intense ignition.

The moment of the drawing.

The moment of reshaping.

The moment of blossoming.

The spark of new life.

The spark of your new path.

The step towards a new destiny.

The moment you came, was the moment you came to a new conclusion.

The inflexion point, the flexing point, the moment of the flexing.

For this seed burns.

For this seed was designed to burn.

With such intensity, bursting forth all around, impacting those near and far.

A marriage of fire. The embracing of fire and water. The warm refreshing stream, the hot spring.

Springing forth all around. Blossoming with my delight.

For I shall plant this seed deep within the ground, all around.

Fields of fire.

Streams of fire.

Explosions of fire, from the plant of fire, the fruits of my fire.

Bursting forth my fireworks, my work of Fire.

Place your hand in the fire, tend to my fire, express my tenderness in the fire.

Like a child playing with a sparkler, your joy shall blossom with my delight.

Dig up the ground, place my seed of fire in it and watch me blow your mind.

The manifestation of colour, rings of colour at the trunk, bursting forth under pressure, bringing forth the fireworks of colour, the rings of the promise, the rainbow of promise.

Place the fiery bush, the fiery seedling in their hand.

For some will be burnt by the fire, others will learn how to tend to it.

For my fire shall not be consumed but be my mouthpiece, my place of drawing, my expression of warmth and tenderness.

It is time to get fired up, to ignite my fire amongst my people, to expose the works of the enemy, to push back the movement of the enemy, to create a fiery path that only my beloved can walk upon.

Say unto yourself “He is with me”, for I am with you, today this day I will begin to pour out a blessing that you shall not be able to contain it.

Burst forth with my fire, for I am pouring my accelerant upon you.

For you shall be a being of fire. You shall be the one that is called the “man of fire”.

For this is only the beginning.

Can you not feel my heat arise upon you.

For who can touch my chosen one?

Embrace your anointing, take up your appointing, manifest my delight, for you shall be my delight.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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