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“Everyone has an agenda”

The pressure of the agenda.

The pointlessness of an agenda.

What is the point of an agenda?

For I know that you don’t like to follow the pattern, you don’t like to follow instructions, the regimen of a formula.

For I have given you the flow.

Have I not sent you with my flow?

In the place of the wall, in the place of the maze, in the place of the obstacle, comes my flow.

Have I not called you to burst forth?

For you know only too well the choice you have.

Either put aside who you are and pretend you are someone else or burst forth and break through and make a scene.

Yes, lets make a scene.

Will you not allow me, will you not permit me to make this scene?!

For you felt the tipping point, you felt the point, you knew my intent.

There you found yourself off balance.

There you found yourself in the midst.

There you found yourself in the place of the scene.

There you were trying to mind your own business, when your beloved led you out, called you out, and you knew it was me calling.

My goodness your heart sang, for you knew it was my goodness calling you out, calling you up.

Then she said, “why don’t you come around behind them and place your hands upon them.”

You knew resistance was futile, for I have called her to break open the way for you.

And there you found yourself.

And there you found yourself.

The place of the transfer.

Yes the word is transfer.

The passing of the one to the other.

The passing of the ONE to the other.

You felt me in that moment, you knew it was me, for my hand is upon your hand.

You wanted to press in, to burst forth, and there I was goading you, pushing you, empowering you.

Then you caught yourself, you held yourself, rather than be held by me.

You chose not to participate and yet you knew my intent.

For now you know, for now you have knowledge, yet I want to reveal myself, I want to break the chains that hold you back.

Remember your name.

For you know your name, Legion!

You know how the story ends, for I woke you up with it.

What a scene it was, the bridal party on the floor unable to move, yet able to speak.

What a scene.

For how did the faces of those present look, the look of awe and wonder, the manifest presence of the Lord in their midst.

For it is time to make a scene.

It is time for you to follow my agenda.

Repeat after me, I am only here to do my Father’s business, what I see him do, is what I shall do.

It is time for you to find yourself.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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